Clubbing (BD)

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A/N: I procrastinated on writing this by drawing it instead. Also, I assume you've noticed that I usually write the characters similarly to how they act in canon, but with a few different traits. For example, Din actually likes smiling and cutting loose when he's with his found family. Part 2 coming soon!

Din's Point of View

"Din!" Fennec yelled across the ship. "We're headed for Tatooine to go clubbing with Peli. You in?"

Din sighed and stood up. He could never successfully converse with someone in another room anyway.

"What?" he asked by way of greeting as he entered the cockpit. 

Fennec rolled her eyes the tiniest bit as she repeated, "Tatooine. Peli. Clubing. Will you come?"

"What about Grogu?" Din asked, a split second before he realized what he'd said. "Never mind." He looked away, the barest hints of tears pricking his eyes. He was glad he decided to wear his helmet today.

Boba stood up from the pilot's seat. "There is a dance at the Cantina tonight. Fennec and Peli are going, as am I."

"You don't have any plans, do you?" Fennec asked.

Of course not. "No."

"We can get fritzle fries and Neuvian sundaes," Fennec prodded with a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Din already knew he would say yes, even if he wouldn't necessarily enjoy it. "All right," he conceded.

"Well then, we'll be at Tatooine in a few hours. Want to help me get ready?"

Din blinked. Fennec waved a hand. "Follow me."

She led him down to her quarters, which were on the other side of the ship from his and Boba's. "When one goes clubbing," Fennec explained as they entered, "they like to dress up. Me, I'm not one for clothing. But I do like to add a little creativity to my face."

Fennec flicked on the lights and opened a wall panel in her neatly compartmentalized space, revealing a mirror and a few small brushes, powders, and pots of colorful balms. Din noticed himself -- or rather, his bucket -- in the mirror, which was odd. He really only saw his reflection without his helmet. It was unlikely that whatever they were doing would trigger him, so he took off the helmet.

"This is makeup," Fennec spoke. "You put it on your face to look different. I'll do mine first, and you can help me with the colors. Then I can do some on you, if you want."

Din asked the first thing that came into his mind. "But won't it be hidden by the helmet?" 

"Sometimes it's just the feeling of knowing you have it on that can give you confidence," Fennec replied wisely. Turning back to her collection, she pointed at a shimmery silver dust. "I got this when I had a job near Kamino. This one," she continued, indicating a thick, glossy orange liquid in a tube, "was from a street vendor on Bespin. There's stories behind all of them, and I can tell them to you later, if you want."

She waited for Din to nod before continuing. "I have an orange dress that I'm going to wear. Do you think the orange lip gloss and silver eyeshadow would look good? Pair it with a cat eyeliner and I'm all set. What do you think?"

"Sure," Din replied, feeling a little on edge and surprisingly excited.

"All right. Here we go." Fennec got to work putting a little of the powder on a brush and smoothing it over both her eyelids. It shimmered under the bright lights as she moved. Next came what Din assumed was the eyeliner, which she applied flawlessly with a flick of her wrist.

Apparently having the end of the black outside of your eye made it look like it was melting into goo.

As he watched Fennec put on the orange lip gloss, Din realized what he wanted: a look just as classy and beautiful as the one Fennec was now sporting.

"What do you think?"

"I like it a lot," Din spoke, smiling a little. He didn't want to come across as too eager, so he hesitated a moment before asking, "What colors do you think would look good on me?"

Fennec studied his face for a moment. "Hmm. Blue, maybe? It would go well with the silver armor."

Din shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "How do we do this?"

They ended up kneeling on the floor to get on the same level, Fennec peering at him while she applied a vibrant teal eyeshadow, bold black eyeliner, and slick indigo-blue liquid lipstick.

Din stood up when she was done and looked in the mirror. He looked different, sure, but it was still him. Just a more honest version. Something more real, more raw.

Maybe clubbing wouldn't be so bad, he decided.

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