A great guy basically cares for his friends, not scared to question Draco

Blaise:A great guy basically cares for his friends, not scared to question Draco

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Well fuck this. Another month another school, honestly I don't even know what year I'm in right now, magic schools aren't that common and my parents don't give a shit about me anyway so they'd just throw me in a Muggle school every other move or so. My last school was a hell hole, everyone had already formed groups in the year so for my stent staying there I had no fiends and was always alone - except when the 'popular' girls came to bully me.

With my cart and map in hand I looked for platform 9 3/4, I knew to be expecting some magical sort of stunt but it didn't make things any easier. I found platform 4 but was unsure what the gateway to the magic platform looked like, I looked around trying to find someone else who looked wizardry possibly going this way, but expectedly, since I was mid term. Not even another young person was in sight. I sighed and wished again I had the kind of parents who cry and smother you when leaving for boarding school, the kind who would've packed an abundance of unnecessary 'necessities' and prepared for every hitch or complication.

After a good 10 minutes of inner debate I decided to do it my way. Mathmatica- lol no who do you think I am. I'm the girl who hasn't stayed at one school for longer than half a year since I was 5. I just decided to try every possibility. One advantage of being to so many schools (even magic ones) was that you get to recognise their favourite tricks and I'm pretty sure the answer will be through a wall or something. 3/4 was my next clue I looked at the signs and walked about 3/4 of the way along the platform. It has to be here somewhere. The only thing however was just this giant pillar, it looked like it was possible to be the entrance so I walked towards it and felt the brick to test it to not be suspicious. With the right force my hand went through the wall. Perfect I did it! I grabbed my cart and immediately threw myself through the wall with it. I looked confident but if you could read my inner nerves your laugh at my false confidence.

The platform seemed not too different from all the muggle ones and I only waited 10 minutes before a train showed up. Only about 5 people actually got on it. I guess it is quite a specific route for an already specific population. The high metal arcs and mossy red brick walls created an exuding sense of history and grandeur. I stepped on the train and got into one of the many empty booths. I plugged my headphones in and leant against the window feeling my eyes fluttering shut. I opened them in an sudden wave of fear. My anxiety made me a light sleeper, and particularly sensitive to footsteps around me. Sure enough a group of people passed by my booth and were gone as quick as they arrived. I'm my relief I found the calmness to go back to sleep. The second time I woke was more jumpily to the introusive sound of a loud horn. As I noticed we had arrived in Hogwarts. Honestly I got to give credit to someone, whoever built this masterpiece because the sheer magnificence was thrilling.

I was met at a pair of huge gates by a medium height reliable looking girl. She was taller than me but let's be honest who isn't. She greeted me warmly, with a smile and enthusiasm. Not really my type of person but you couldn't deny her obvious kindness. She said her name was Hermione Granger and showed me on a perfectly scheduled tour of the common areas like classrooms the Great hall and anything else. Our last stop was right in front of the office where the first order of business was. I walked in to get my schedule and stuff like that and the receptionist also made me wear this strange hat to be sorted. It spoke in my head it was weird, but I got put in... Slytherin. Then I got assigned to a dorm, and given a schedule and robes.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now