Kisses In The Bathroom

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I just got tired of having it and kind of missed my old hair." He started playing with the end of his towel and leaned against the doorway, his tube of lipstick resting against his chest.

I look at his lips, which look super different from normal. Maybe it's because he's not wearing lipstick. It seems a little weird to me that I never noticed that he wore lipstick. I mean, I'm his best friend and I nearly kissed him a bunch of times and actually kissed him a couple of times too.

"Do your clothes fit you?" Olive asked as he uncapped his lipstick and started applying it.

"They're a little tight but they fit."

"Oh great! I was worried that none of them would fit you and then you'd have to go home to get clothes!" Olive gave me a cute smile with lipstick only on his upper lip. I smiled back at him and pointed to his lips and asked, "Do you always wear makeup?"

Olive hid his mouth behind his hand and started playing with his lipstick, twisting it up and down. "No, not all the time. Just when I go out and stuff like that."

"You look good with it." I wasn't lying; I didn't know that Olive wore it for a while but I always thought that his lips looked really soft and full. It was one of the reasons I always wanted to kiss him so badly. And still want to kiss him.

"Oh, thanks." Olive started applying his lipstick to his lower lip now but glanced at me every few seconds, kind of like he was wondering if I'm watching him. He's like a puppy sometimes. I walked past him into the bathroom and opened the cabinet, looking for the spare toothbrush I left somewhere in here last night.

Maybe I left it near the vitamins. I looked behind the vitamins and then on the shelf below them but I couldn't find it. I looked back where Olive's and Madi's toothbrushes are but I couldn't find it there either.

"Can't find your toothbrush?" Olive walked up behind me and looked at where I'm looking. He moved the toothbrush holder forward a bit and then lifted my toothbrush up from behind it.

"There it is! Thanks, Olive!" I gently grabbed my toothbrush from him and then grabbed the toothpaste out of the toothbrush holder. Olive set his lipstick in his caboodle, which was sitting on the edge of the counter, and said quietly, "You're welcome." He grabbed his toothbrush too and grabbed the toothpaste from me once I finished using it.

We both started brushing our teeth and I let my hand rest in the small of Olive's back. We were talking last night and I asked if it would be okay for me to do little stuff like this and Olive said it would be okay most of the time and said that he would tell me if he felt uncomfortable.

It would be fun if I could grab his butt too; I may be ace but I do think his butt looks cute. I glanced down at Olive's butt briefly and looked back up at the mirror when Olive glanced over at me. If he caught me staring at his butt he might get a little annoyed; he wouldn't get super mad but would just glare at me and make me feel guilty.

We both finished brushing our teeth and spit out our toothpaste. I wiped off my mouth with the back of my hand and washed off my toothbrush. Olive washed his off too and then moved closer to me so our hips were touching; he slid my hand from the small of his back to around his waist and then leaned his head on my shoulder.

I felt my chest warm up with joy when Olive nudged his head against my shoulder; being close to him always made me feel really happy. I wrapped my arm a little tighter around his waist and nudged my head against his. Olive hummed a bit and wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned against me.

"I really, really like you." I mumbled it against Olive's hair and heard him hum something back quietly.

"So what're we going to do today?" Olive's moms already left for a trip to the Farmer's Market that's being held downtown and probably won't be back for a couple of hours or more. Madi actually just left twenty minutes ago to go to her friends' house and I have no idea how long she'll be gone.

Maybe we could kiss a little more. I do like kissing Olive and it would burn up some of the free time we have. But I don't really know if he likes it. When we kissed earlier he didn't really react at all or anything but he did smile afterward and seemed really happy.

Maybe he's just not into kissing. It's completely fine if Olive's not into kissing but I'm just worried that he might feel like he has to because I like kissing and would make himself uncomfortable. And I know that if Olive feels uncomfortable that he won't say anything because he's shy and doesn't like to cause trouble for other people.

Maybe I should talk to him about it. Yeah, that would be a good idea. "Hey Olive could we- mmph." Olive cut me off when he pulled me into a kiss; he had his entire front pressed against me and was cupping his cheeks with his hands. I gave in and melted against him, wrapping my arms around his back like they're my only support.

Olive nibbled my lip a little which made me, despite my efforts, made me whimper a little. I felt Olive smile against my lips and then he pulled away from my mouth and started giving me soft little kisses along my jaw. I whimpered a little when he kissed the part of my jaw near my ear and felt all the blood rush to my face when he kissed right under my ear and I let out a little moan.

Olive paused for a second and pulled back so he could look at my face, which by now is completely red. One of his eyebrows arched up and he asked, "Did you really just..."

"I couldn't help it." I looked over at the shower to avoid having to look at Olive. I knew he wasn't going to tease me or anything but it's still embarrassing. Olive turned my face back to him and then gave me a quick, gentle kiss on the lips and then asked, "You want to go to my room?" He has a mischievous look in his eyes, which I haven't seen since we were six and he wanted to prank the teacher.

I let go of my tight grip on his shirt and let my hands rest against the small of his back. "Yeah." He smirked at me and gave me another quick peck on the lips and then let go of my face and grabbed my hands and led me to his bedroom. This might be fun.  

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