That Time Of The Year

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(Above is what they look like now). 

Adam POV:

I popped my knuckles a few times as I looked around the park for Mira and Kai. We agreed to meet at the park at 3 today, but neither of them has shown up yet. At first, I thought that they might be here but might not see me but that's pretty hard to believe. There's hardly anyone here and I'm sitting in front of the oak tree, which is very easy to see.

Did they have other plans? I doubt it but their parents could have taken them to do something. It would make sense; sometimes Kai's parents will randomly want to do something with him. I'm not so sure about Mira's dads, they're pretty strict about keeping promises. They probably just had to stop somewhere or something like that.

Yeah, that's probably what happened; there's no way that they would ditch me. It's been a half-hour since our meet-up time and I'm starting to feel a bit anxious, my brain over-reacting like usual. This reminds me of when I was little and my bullies would invite me to something and then not show up. It always felt so humiliating.

Adam, it's okay. Mira and Kai would never try to make you look stupid. They're your friends; they're just late or had to stop at Holy Donuts. I repeated that to myself a few times to keep my anxiety under control and started bouncing my leg. I do that whenever I need to calm myself down. It doesn't help most of the time but it at least keeps my mind off my anxiety.

After a while, bouncing my leg got kind of boring, so I pulled out my phone to look on Instagram. I don't use it a lot but I like to keep it so I can see what everyone's up to. Especially Olive. My ears heat up as the stupid voice in my head teases me about my tiny crush on my old best friend Olive. It's true that one of the reasons I got Instagram was so I could look at his post but that's not the only reason. It's just one of them.

You love him.

Shut up.

Oh yes, you do, you love him!

Shut up.

You're in love, you're in love!

You're annoying.

While I was busy having a mental argument with myself, Mira and Kai must have walked into the park and spotted me. I didn't notice them until they walked up right in front of me and said hi. It scared me so much that I almost dropped my phone. I looked up at them and ran a hand through my hair a couple of times and then waved at them. I don't want to say hi since I'm still kind of anxious and when I'm anxious I stutter. Mira smiled at me and chirped, "Hey Adam! Sorry for being late!"

"Yeah, we didn't mean to be late. It was just that I didn't eat lunch so we had to stop to get me some lunch and then we had to go to Holy Donuts to get some snacks." I laughed a bit at Kai's explanation and waved my hand at them and said, "It's okay, it's not like you two are super late."

Kai relaxed a little and gave me his goofy little smile and plopped down next to me with the box of donuts. I put my phone back in my pocket and scooted over a bit so Kai wouldn't have to sit on a root. Mira sat on Kai's other side and kept running her hands through her hair over and over again. Must not be used to it yet. Mira and I had both gotten haircuts about a month ago and she still doesn't seem used to hers yet.

Kai opened up his paper bag and asked Mira and me, "You two want your donuts?" Mira popped her hands on her hips and said, "Uh, yeah. Give me one."

"Okay but only if you say please." Kai held the bag out away from her and dodged her whenever she tried to get it. Mira huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, already hangry. "Fine. Can I pleeaase have my donut?"

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