Horrors In Health Class

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(Stuff with the x's through them is what Olive is not wearing). 

Olive POV:

I adjusted my headband as I waited for Reese in the hallway. She was supposed to meet me in front of my health class before the passing period ended so I could ask her about date stuff.

There were only a couple minutes left of the passing period and I considered just going to class and talking to Reese next period, which we have together, but luckily she showed up just before I was going to leave. I turned to face her and waited for her to catch her breath, she must have ran here. 

(This is Reese below): 

(This is Reese below): 

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"Hey Olive. Thanks for waiting for me." She tugged her ponytail a bit tighter and leaned against the wall next to me; I looked her over a couple times just to make sure I wasn't seeing anything. She's wearing the pink Hello Kitty crop top I got her for her birthday, which she said was dumb looking. After giving Reese a shit eating grin, I replied, "Hey. So could I ask you something?" I'm aware that we only have a little over a minute left of passing period left and that I probably won't get to hear the full answer but I decided to ask anyway. At least then I'll have some kind of answer. 

Reese nodded and waited for me to continue, pulling the white sweater she was wearing a little tighter around her to cover up the Hello Kitty crop top. "I was wondering if you knew anything about date stuff?" I felt kind of awkward about asking Reese for this kind of advice, it might be better to ask my parents or to use Google, but Reese would give me more of a straightforward answer so I decided to ask her.

"What kind of date stuff?" she asked, probably fully aware of what I was asking. She likes teasing me and when I decided to ask her I knew that she wouldn't miss an opportunity like this. 

"Well not really anything specific, just like the general stuff. Like what to wear and how to act and stuff like that.." I trailed off a bit at the end since I felt my face start to heat up. Reese started smirking when my face heated up with that know it all smirk she has and asked slyly, "You've never been on a date have you?" I haven't but since Adam and I are dating now, I think, I figure that sooner or later he's going to ask me out and I just want to know how to act. And so if anyone asks me for advice that I won't seem completely stupid. 

"No, I haven't," I admitted reluctantly. Reese chuckled a little, still with that know it all smirk, and started to say something but cut herself off after glancing at the clock. "Hey, the bell's about to ring so I think I'll just head to class." Reese gestured with her thumb down the hall and hurried away once I waved her off. So much for dating advice. Better just use Google now. 

I looked at the clock too, not too worried since I'm right in front of my class, and then headed in. When I walked in a few people looked up from their desks to stare at me, mostly guys, and I tugged on the bottom of my shorts a bit self consciously. I knew this outfit was kind of different from my usual ones but I was hoping that no one would pay much attention, I mean I'm not the only guy that cross-dresses. 

Yeah good luck with that. When I walked past David Hopner's desk, I was keenly aware of him staring at my butt. The worst part wasn't even pervy David; the heels I had on were really hard to walk in and I'm pretty sure that I might trip. Luckily I made it to my seat without tripping and set my backpack down on the floor next to my desk and my trapper keeper on my desk.

I checked my shoelaces to make sure they're tied; they were and then I turned to Adam, hoping to start up a conversation and maybe even set up a date. I know it's a long shot but I should at least try. When I turned to him, I found him looking me up and down; not in a creepy way though, more of just a curious way. Probably because he's never seen me cross-dress before. I felt my face heat up and mumbled something under my breath to get his attention; I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that Adam might think I'm attractive, I've noticed how he'll sometimes check out my butt in weights class.

"Oh hey Olive. Nice outfit," Adam greeted after quickly turning his head away from me. I smirked at him and ran a hand through my hair and replied, "Thanks, it's the first time I've worn it." Lame reply but it's all I can think of on the spot. Adam chuckled a little and smiled at me with his cute little smile that made my insides turn all mushy. I smiled back and leaned my chin on my hand; Adam glanced to the back of the classroom where Ms. Bouchard and then glanced at me and asked, "Do you know what we're doing today?"

I glanced back at Ms. Bouchard too and then tried to remember if she said anything yesterday; I couldn't come up with anything and just shook my head. Adam opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by Ms. Bouchard's cherry voice. "Okay class, today we're going to have an emergency sex ed class!" Oh dear God. 

Everyone collectively groaned and some people laid their heads on their desks and a couple kids looked like they're going to break for the door. Ms. Bouchard ignored everyone's protests and walked up to the board and turned to face all of us. "I got a few calls from parents asking for this since apparently over the summer many of you tried to experiment and they're worried that you might be unsafe," she explained.

I glanced over at Adam, wondering a little bit if he tried to experiment over the summer. It didn't look like he did, he was blushing up to his roots and wouldn't look at me. I kind of hope he didn't, mainly out of jealousy, but it's hard to believe he would since he's super innocent about lovey stuff.

Great example is when we were in elementary school and I asked him on Valentine's day if he would give me a kiss and he started blushing really bad and couldn't look at me all day. I giggled a little at the memory and Adam turned to look at me. "What are you giggling about?" he asked me quietly. I stifled another giggle and quickly thought up a lie, not wanting to embarrass poor Adam any further. 

"Just something Reese said." Adam stared at me for a few seconds and then turned his attention to Ms. Bouchard, who was telling everyone about what we're going to learn about today. I didn't catch the first part but I got the gist of it, we're learning basic anatomy and horrifying stuff like that. 

I hope my moms didn't call about this. I buried my had in my arms as Ms. Bouchard pulled up a slide on reproduction organs, silently regretting my decision to come to school today. I hope none of the sports kids start make sex jokes during this or it would be even more horrible. 

I heard Adam groan next to me and drop his head onto his desk too. I lifted up my right arm a little and whispered to him, "This is way more awkward than the puberty talk right?" Adam lifted up his left arm and turned toward me and nodded, still blushing up to his roots.

I giggled quietly and Adam whispered back, "At least now I can avoid it with my parents." Adam and me giggled again but had to quiet down when Ms. Bouchard stood in front of our desks and told us to quiet down and pay attention. We both nodded to her and lifted our heads up from our desks and looked up at the board. Big mistake.

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