Horror Movies And Cuddles

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Adam POV:

Mira, Kai, and I walked down the walkway to Olive's house so we could watch his new horror movie. Earlier I asked him if it would be okay if I could invite Mira and Kai and he said it would be fine and that his sister would be watching it too. I guess we both thought that this might be a little more fun than watching it with just us. At least now I wouldn't be the only one getting scared.

We all finally got to Olive's house after a few more minutes and I knocked on the door once we got onto the porch. I heard someone shuffling around inside and then the door opened to reveal one of Olive's moms. I think her name's Adora but I don't know since I always call Mrs. Boone.

She smiles at all of us and says in her smooth Southern accent, "Hey, y'all. Olive's inside with Madi and you can all head inside." She stepped aside for us and we all walked inside while she closed the door and trailed behind us. We walked into the living room, which has a cool cathedral ceiling, and Olive and Madi were pillow fighting with each other on the couch while their other mom wheeled herself around the kitchen as she made something.

Mira, Kai, and Reese sat on the loveseat next to the couch while I kind of hovered near the couch as I waited for Olive and Madi to stop pillow fighting so I could sit down. They didn't notice me at first but after a couple of minutes they did and then stopped hitting each other with pillows and scooted over so I could sit down. I plopped down next to Olive and after Olive set down his pillow, he scooted into my lap and tucked his chin under my head.

I'm pretty sure I turned bright red and I think Olive was blushing a little too and we were both definitely blushing when Madi coughed and said, "PDA." I wrapped my arms around Olive and buried my face in his hair to hide how much I'm blushing and Olive snuggled into me.

Olive's Texan mom awed at us and joked, "Glad my little boy's got a cute boyfriend." Everyone else laughed and Olive's other mom even came in and started teasing us.

"Aw don't you two look cute." Olive snuggled into me a little bit more and mumbled, "Come on Mom. You can quit teasing us." Everyone laughed again and I smiled a bit into Olive's hair and I think he smiled a bit into my chest.

Eventually, everyone let up after a few more minutes, and then Olive's moms left, for a date night or something like that, and it was just us kids.

"So, do you want to start the movie?" Madi asked. Everyone nodded and Olive untangled from me so he could start the movie. He crawled off the couch and put the 'Pet Cemetery' DVD into the DVD player and then waited for the movie to go to the play screen before crawling back onto the couch and snuggling into me.

Mira turned off the lights before Olive started the movie, to give it a more creepy feeling, and then hurried back over to the loveseat and grabbed a bowl of popcorn from the coffee table for her and Kai. Madi grabbed the other bowl of popcorn and set it in the middle of the couch for us.

I grabbed a little popcorn as Madi clicked play on the movie and Olive shifted a bit so he could see better. I wrapped my free arm around his waist and nudged my face in between his shoulder and head. Olive giggled a little bit when I did this and gave me a quick peck on the head and wrapped both of his arms around me. He's really sweet.

Time-skip (1 hr. 40 min.):

I peaked at the screen a bit from Olive's lap, not sure if the movie was over. The credits were playing so I'm pretty sure it's over and I sat up a bit and leaned against Olive's shoulder. Olive wrapped both of his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek then said in a baby voice, "You were so brave."

I blushed a bit and nudged my head onto Olive's shoulder and mumbled, "Thanks for letting me hide in your lap." Olive smiled at me and pulled me in for a sweet, soft kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed back for a bit but we both pulled apart when Madi made a gagging noise.

The Hollow: Adam x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora