Waking Up With A Cutie At Your Side

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Olive POV:

Sleepily, I blinked a few times as I woke up; I didn't have my glasses on so everything looked blurry and I have no idea what time it is. I'm guessing it's morning from the light peeking through my window. "Uhn." I stretched my legs out a bit and started to stretch out my arms but stopped when I found Adam snuggled against my chest with his arms around my neck.

I don't remember much of last night, besides having dinner and then cuddling with Adam in here and then going to bed, and I don't really remember falling asleep like this. It doesn't really matter though; this is pretty comfortable.

Carefully, I shifted a bit so I could get more comfortable and then relaxed into Adam and rested my face in his hair. It smelled like strawberry and tickled my nose; while I wiped my nose, Adam shifted a bit too and then relaxed into me, kind of sighing a bit when he did. I giggled a little bit when he did since it was so cute.

After staring at Adam's blurry face for a few more minutes, I got kind of tired of not being able to see and gently reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my glasses. I put them on, careful not to smudge them, and then rested my face back in Adam's hair. My glasses fogged up right away but it was better than not being able to see at all.

It would be nice if we could stay like this forever. No school or homework, just me and Adam. And dance practice of course. I smiled a bit and after a few seconds felt Adam smile against my chest. Must be having a happy dream. This would have been the perfect moment if Madi hadn't barged into my room to announce breakfast.

"Breakfast's ready!" Adam jolted off of my chest and I sat up on my elbows to glare at Madi, almost definitely being loud on purpose. Madi saw me glaring and stuck her tongue out at me, petty and childish as always. Adam on the other hand just looked around really confused and then started rubbing his eyes, probably to get the morning grit out.

Once he got the grit out of his eyes, Adam looked over to me and asked in the cutest morning voice ever, "Is it morning?" I started to reach over him to grab my phone off my nightstand but Madi stated, "It's 7:30. You two really slept in." I don't think Adam thinks of 7:30 as late in the morning but I do. Usually, my family gets up at 7:00 or earlier to start our day.

Adam nodded to Madi and then stretched his arms over his head and yawned a bit as he did. I stretched a bit too, my right arm really sore from Adam sleeping on it. Once I finished stretching, I crawled over to Adam and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, and leaned against him. Adam turned his head towards me and leaned in for a kiss but we broke apart Madi coughed and said, "No need for the lovefest."

Adam and I both blushed a bit when she said this and I buried my face in between his shoulder blades out of embarrassment. Adam grabbed my hands off his waist and held them in his, even rubbing little circles in them. We got to stay like this for a little bit longer until Madi asked, "So are you two going to come get some breakfast, or are you just going to be lovebirds?"

I gave Adam a quick hug and then crawled off my bed and pulled him off too. When he got up I wrapped my arms around his waist and then pulled him in for a quick kiss. His lips were warm but so cracked and dry that I almost broke apart the kiss to tell him to put on chapstick. Adam sighed against my lips a bit and melted into it a bit. The kiss only lasted like a minute and when we broke apart I didn't feel the weak knees or butterflies that romance novels always talk about.

Must be an ace thing. Adam grinned at me like an idiot and nudged his face against my shoulder; I could feel him smiling and I started grinning too, not excited about the kiss but about being close to Adam. We hugged a bit more and gave each other another quick kiss on the lips.

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