Snappier Than Thanos

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Heyaaaa :) God Author here with a new chapter. It's been a little while, so here's a quick recap: Last chapter, Brad was teared to piece limb by limb. Before that, Joe and Jaz were brutally murdered. That's basically all you need to know.

Selena had been studying at Panadol late because that's what you do at University when you have too much work.

Mr. Whippy had just left the room after getting sick of her obnoxious face.

He had actual important things to do with his life.

It's hard work being better than everyone else.

Ugh, Mr. Whippy really isn't like the others. He's special and quirky.

Selena got bored being a sad loner and having to do school (University??) work, so she went to see Tracy in her hideout.

It was a real evil villain situation.

Their secret lair was built inside of a hill, and the hill was towering over a stormy sea.

In real life this would have taken years and years to build, but in here I MAKE THE RULES, so it only took a few hours.

It was finally the last episode of 'The Falcon And The Winter Soldier.'

They were super hyped for the FINALE!! (Bucky was the rich gay uncle showing up to the cookout)

After watching it, Selena thought it would be fine if Tracy came back to the apartment.

John wouldn't be there afterall.

And Eliza and Prim had kinda just accepted that Tracy went on a weekend trip and wasn't really missing.

Because they are side characters and cannot think beyond what God Author wants them to think.

Yes, Eliza is the smart one in the friend group.

No, she cannot put two and two together and realise that the people living with her are serial killers.

And she is supposed to be the one who is GOOD AT MATHS!!

They rode the elevator up to their floor. It had nice music. Circus by Britney Spears.

(yes, John, you walked up all those flights of stairs for no reason mwahahahaha i am pure evil.)

They weren't ready for the sight.

When they opened the door (code is EJOAAU if you're wondering)

And yes that code is an easter egg but don't spend too long trying to crack it ;)

Anyways, when they opened the door...

Eliza and Primrose were sitting on the couch, perfectly fine.

You really thought they would be dead, huh?😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Selena shouted out to let them know they were there.

"I got shawarmas! No idea what a shawarma is but I really wanna try it"

Eliza didn't answer.

Primrose let out a whimper.

It sounded pained.

Selena and Tracy walked over to the couch and realised quickly what was up.

The couch was stained with red.

Eliza's neck was lolling backwards, snapped.

Prim's ribs were cracked very badly, but she was still holding on.

Tracy ran to call the ambulance.

Selena got up closer to Prim because it appeared she was trying to say something.

"He...he did it. D-do you think he killed the others?"

"Who? Who did this?" Selena questioned.

She didn't want to admit to her friend that SHE had been responsible for quite a few of the murders.

Primrose whispered "He has always been here watching us"

Lol creepy.

Then her heart slowed down and stopped. It wasn't very fit because it despised PE.(I understand you bro)

That's real tuff bruv.

Selena kept shaking her, willing Prim back to life.

But she never came back.

Magic isn't real: confirmed.

After the police and funeral planners left, Tracy sat down to talk with Selena.

It is exceedingly OBVIOUS who killed them.

They needed revenge on John.

This had gone far enough.

And the best tool for their revenge was so easy to reach.

They left a few days, just to keep John on his toes.

They knew if they struck straight away, John would be ready waiting for them.

Four weeks.

That's how long they gave John to sit in his room, stressing over when the two would strike back.

But they never did.

And after 23 days, he let his guard down.

And 4 days later he went away from home to search for a new job since he was fired from his Customer Service biz.


Of course, Mr. Whippy knows nothing of this concept, and he taught John well.

Even though he hated John (?)

And 1 week later John came back to a horrifying sight.

Of course you won't know what that sight is until you read the next chapter.

God Author: I thank thou for reading. I may or may not have had a VERY realistic dream that I uploaded this chapter, thus believing it was already here but no one was reading it. Sorry bro.

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