dating Lexa would include

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- Her being protective of you and making men follow you around when she's not with you so she doesn't have to make sure you're safe every hour.

- your the same though so you don't really mind the two large men on each side of you everywhere you go.

- soft but deep kisses, mostly when you're alone

- her teaching you more fighting strategies.

- putting on and taking off each other war makeup.

- you being by her side 24/7 and when your not you have the two men following you.

- people mentioning that she looks much happier when your around.

- always asking your opinion on things

- her being a big softy when no ones around

- 3/4 of the time having sex is rough but she knows how to soften it up a bit.

- more sex

- her sitting in between your legs while you plait and braid her hair

- glaring at Clarke when she gets to close

- being stupid with Octavia making both Lincoln and Lexa worry about your decisions and what could happen to you both.

- wearing each other's clothes

- cuddles, most after sun set and before sunrise

- sex

- trying to fight Tight-ass cause he tries to convince you to leave Lexa and that you're not good enough for her

- Gustus having to drag you away

- having to promise to her that you'll be more careful when doing stupid things cause she doesn't want you to end up like Costia

- keeping that promise

- being captured by ice nation a few times and her saving you

- you always endure the pain when they torture you and having to annoy them non stop.

- her not leaving your side most of time when you return from ice nation until you are mostly healed

- both of you taking care of each other's wounds when you get hurt or after training.

- her threatening anyone, especially Titus

- you smiling when you sit in your chair watching as she yells at Titus after you snitched on him

- Did I mention sex?

- sharing a room at Polis even though you have your own room you stay in hers or sometimes she'll come to yours when you fall asleep in yours after a long day.

- Laying in silence for hours as you trace her tattoos

- you spying on her and Clarke from the back of the tent during their meeting meetings

- her telling you about her past

- both of you being open and honest to each other

- wanting to kill every last one of the sky people but doing as Lexa says, and doing the opposite of that

- Being supportive of every decision she makes and beating anyone who objects the idea

- you guessed it, sex!

- her falling asleep in her tent during the day after long meetings with the sky people.

- you carrying her to the make shift bed and laying beside her as she sleeps

Commander Lexa

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