(Some sort of prologue) All night

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"He's down" says carina walking outside the couples room. Their 3 months old son has been sleeping in their room in his crib since they got back from the hospital . He was a premature baby and his delivery was a hard one so the couple decided to keep him close .
"I have to go back" said maya looking at her phone getting up from the comfortable sofa .
"But bambina you've got here like one hour ago"
"I know but its a big one , all hands on deck"
It was 9pm and maya just received a call to go back to the station because this huge fire at Pine street that started this afternoon is just getting bigger. 15 minutes later maya was by the door ready to go .
"Bab I'm going" she whispered standing at the door way.
Carina was breastfeeding sawyer so maya got down to kiss her
"Bambina please please be carful, we need you" carina said .
"Promise" she answered and dropped a kiss on their son's head.
Carina knew how hard Mayas job is and even though her heart skipped every time maya was out on a call , she knew how much maya loves her job and couldn't ask her to give up on that . So for carinas sake they decided on some rules such as : text each every two hours, call each other at least 3 times a day and the most important rule was the newest: they would never leave Sawyer alone.
-carina- (writing to maya)
"Amor mio ,I'm going to bed , I left you a plate on the counter. Te amo. Stay safe 🙏🏻 "
-maya- (writing to carina)
"Good night my love ,I'm safe, I love you too."
- Carina -(writing to maya)
"Just checking in .... any idea when You'll be home ?"
2:48 am
- Carina -(writing to maya)
"Maya, I'm getting worried.... what's up? "
3:15 am
(Mays phone)
*4 missed call from bab*
And at 4:10am after a restless night carina was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee trying her best not to lose her mind over what's happening with maya she got a call.
*incoming call- Andy*
She picked up the phone with her hands shaking hopping that the one out of the two things that she has left in this world is fine
"Carina .... "
"Just spill it out Andy"
"She got smoke inhalation, two third degrees burn and several first degrees ..."
"Let me talk to her"
"She's unconscious.... they needed to put her down to treat her burns"
"What hospital?"
Carina only felt this stressed 3 times in her life , once when her brother died , second when She felt contractions while only being 6 months pregnant and third when Sawyer was born and came out blue without any signs of breathing .
She got the the baby's crib and gently picked him and put home into his basket.
When she got to the hospital she met kepner who apparently was on call . April showed her to Mayas room and she sat there waiting for her wife to wake up .

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