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As you all may have heard, the city of London has recently been receiving frequent attacks by an unnamed culprit. Unfortunately, the suspect has not been captured and is still terrorizing citizens, until now. As of the 4th of january 1886, we have found a solution to save our great city, our country and possibly, the earth.

Two weeks ago, the cortez family case was reopened.Thanks to David Asherman, the family's lawyer, we may have found a lead to what caused the members tragic deaths. One family member may still be alive after the attack on Cortez's. As the crime scene -well what was left of it- was being investigated once more, an interesting discovery was made."It was surprising we hadn't found this before," Dr. Brown ,she is one of our best forensic scientists today, said. This discovery they have found is a grandfather clock and a letter."It's a miracle they're still intact, considering all the damage this shop has received, we're not even sure how we can explain this.God only knows what would have happened if we didn't find this clock and the letter.It's our saving grace."-Chief of police.

Inside the grandfather clock, the letter was found.It was a picture of the cortez family and the possible survivor.On the back was a message, and this it is what might save our country.The police have a very good idea who wrote this letter, and for that, there is a message of gratitude from our city's police force.If you are reading this, cortez survivor,London thanks you .On the letter is a description of the monster. The name of the beast that has terrorized this community is called, The elf. This is the ending of the letter:

Originally created to help save the earth, The elf turned.Choosing to bring pain and suffering to those who had wronged him.As payment for creating him, the elf hunted down the cortez family, until he was trapped by my grandfather.After years of imprisonment, he broke free from his holding place and tracked each member, crossing them off the map, one by one.Until i was left. I might not escape so this letter is how I -and my family- will be remembered.I hope you can stop him in London.Before he attacks anywhere else.


This letter is one of our only hopes of stopping this beast.It is our only clue so far, other than our victims who have made it out alive with a glimpse of our murderer.They will remain unnamed till further notice.
"He has a frightening black eye, when he stares at you, it's like he's peering into your soul." -victim 9.
"Cracked, green skin.Very disturbing, it was like he was the devil himself,"- victim-3.
"As a musician myself I can tell you this, he shouldn't try out for the job.His melodies are as annoying as a rooster in the morning."-victim 6.
"An axe the size of a chair, red covering him and the object."- victim 30
"F-fire, all i c-could s-see w-was f-fire,"- victim 17.
These victims have suffered severe injuries, so if you have witnessed our culprit, contact our law enforcement as soon as possible.

Let us all gather our positivity and maybe, just maybe we can stop this mess, that has made us lose so many lives.This clock and letter, have become our new saving grace."

The man finished reading the crumpled up newspaper. Then he looked around him, the red sky stretched far and wide. The smell of fire wafting in the air. The land was bare..no life in it.Only sand and debris covered the earth. Still holding the newspaper he sighed.'if
only they had been a bit more early' he thought. Memories of the past flashed back to him, the ground shaking. The screams of women and their children , the shouts of men on the ground. Gunshots ripped through London. Shooting at the being that was causing all of this. People on the ground, dead. He imagined the screams of other people on earth, who already had experienced this terror. And then, there it was...he saw it....oh no...he saw it ITS COMING AFTER HIM. He ran and ran, it's voice ringing throughout his head.

"One day this will all be gone, cause I'm about to end you all....ARGHHH,' It suddenly stoped singing. It started to scream...it's raspy voice breaking.



Your one of them......

I'm going to come after you .
Seth Cortez  . Your not going to stop me....I'm going to kill everyone here, and then i'll kill you next.You started all this. You retched Cortez's will all die for what you did to me. You'll die.
He snapped out of his flash back.He remembered the day the world ended. He remembered the day where it proclaimed his death threat. He remembered the day when he lost everything. He remembered the day when he discovered his family tree. He remembered the day when no one survived but him. The monster. He remembered all the death and destruction.....he remembered the bloody axe. He remembered the song. He remembered the soulless hole in the monsters face. He remembered the cracked plastic. He remembered all of it..he remembered the moment when the thing poisoned him. He remembered his best friend, but she's gone now...

He knew he was going to die in a few more minutes .He collapsed on the ground. Taking deep breaths, in and out. He was in so much pain.It was right when it said his last thoughts would be about the what it really was.His eyes went wide when he saw it.  Staring right back at him. Smiling in triumph. It's shark like teeth covered in blood. It's cracked face...the axe getting ready to attack. The evil glint in its good eye. It cackled and cackled...it was the thing that destroyed earth....the thing that would be going for every single planet in the universe until there was nothing left. He saw it....
"I told you I would be the last thing you'll ever see..." it whispered. "Goodbye Seth Cortez. Have a goodnight...and merry Christmas," it's words ringing in his head as he finally closed his eyes.

His last thoughts.....were what the thing promised. The earth is finally destroyed....the human race is gone. All thanks to one small thing......


Hello dear reader, thank you for reading this book.I hope you enjoyed it. I was aiming to make it a paranormal/horror...I know it's not that scary to some people and others might think it is.BUT aNyWaYs...I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS BOOK. Be sure to check out my other one! I wish you good luck on whatever you're doing! And I must bid you adue! Goodbye and have a great day/night!

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