Chapter 6

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Wasssuuuupppp, welp new chapter. There are loads of mentions of death in this chapter , not all the chapters I'm ok g to put warnings on because ima idiot and can't be bothered too- ANYWAYS . In with the story...

"Genevieve the doll is alive."

Ok now this is too much. I stared in shock at my grandparents. So first it's magical monster people, now it's a Pinocchio.
"Enough. Gramps.." I sighed. I realised what this was about and put my hand on his shoulder, " I know its hard. I know dads gone, but making up stories isn't the right way to cope. He's gone, there's nothing you can do to," I took a deep breath. "To bring him back. Not weird potions and wizards, not a creepy elf doll, or half demon monsters. He's gone." Tears started to prick at my eyes, I haven't had time to look over what's been happening, but it's been hard. "I miss him, I miss him too but this isn't going to help." I started to sniffle. I scanned my grandfather face, he had a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"N-no Gen you have to listen, it's going to come after us, your. Got to believe me. You're one of the last Cortez's. You've got to-"my grandfather grabbed my arm, shaking it.
" you can't keep doing this, and Han- Grandmother," my grandmother stared with a few tears escaping her eyes, she was shaking her head. It makes sense, I'm not very close with my grandmother, she was always put on trips, but when I did we would play games and bake. But I guess that time is gone now, I don't think I've ever called her grandmother, I guess she didn't expect it to be in this situation.
"I know Its hard not knowing what happened, they're trying to figure it out, but you can't keep on encouraging this. It's not good, for you of for gramps," I nodded my head in the direction of my grandfather.
"N-no I k-know how he went, that's the important thing. You've got to believe us Gen, hear us out! There is something coming and we might not be able to stop it.." my grandmother cried. Wait she knows how dad went- no. No no no Genevieve. I shook my head, they need some sleep. It was early in the morning, to early. As for the doll, it was probably stolen, explains the glass. It was weird looking anyways,  but we'll call the police in the morning if it was important. For now, let's just go to bed.
"Grandpa, grandma, look I know it's hard but just, take a shower or something, get some rest. We'll talk In the morning. This is getting out of hand, there might be something happening, but I'm not believing any of this," I stated. To be honest, I just needed to got upstairs and cry. This so too hard for me, I gotta take a break.
"H-honey. The doll...the doll is from the wars, your grandfather made it. It tried to attack and destroy but we stopped it. The world was saved, because of Cortez's.. but we couldn't completely rid it from earth- that's what the jar is for. And-"

"Grandma stop it." I begin to walk away when my grandfather held my arm. I looked at his face, it looked as if he stopped crying, he had a serious expression on his face.

"Genevieve, you want to know the truth. Well here it goes, I am not actually 72, I'm around 1500 years old. I lived through World War Two, one of the darkest ages in history. Trust me when I say it wasn't pretty, you don't believe me, well listen to this, I worked with Churchill, the man who helped save the world from," my grandfather spat on the ground," Adolf Hitler, that son of defeat the nazis some special investigations- That were not , uh, permitted by the government.I...I was involved in them. Not as a subject though, you see, have you ever watched marvel?" I was really confused now, my family line is part magical demon monster, and my grandfather is over 1500 years old?
"Y-yeah," I whispered.
"Well captain America was a soldier in World War Two that was experimented on? Well we had a few willing soldiers on our part. I was a scientist there, helping to defeat that Hitler," my grandfather spit on the ground once more.
"The investigation was to create a soldier that could help defeat him, and I , I created that thing. We don't know what we did, but it went rogue. The purpose of that cursed doll was to help us defeat the nazis, to set free to the world and live in peace again, but it couldn't happen. It ran, and sided with those disgusting Nazis, thing tried to stop us, but it's selfish ass betrayed the Nazis too, which was good for us but, not so good. Soon the doll agreed to work with us again, but after defeating the nazis and the end of the war. The doll turned crazy, killing everyone left ,right, left ,right. But it was clear who it was after.." my grandfather stopped.
"Who,?" I asked. I'm not sure what was really true anymore, my grandfather would never joke about something like this. One thing I know for sure, I have to find out what happens next.
"Me, me and your grandmother and your mother, your father, your brother, even you, it's after all of us. It wants to wipe out the Cortez's," my grandfather turned away from me.
"B-but this doesn't make any sense, how are you over 1500 years old, the doll is alive? What is going on!" I was about to break down, my whole life I was being targeted by some Frankenstein ,Pinocchio doll?
"I know it's hard to believe, but we know  how our son died." Hannah's voice started going higher and higher, she was going to star sobbing. I looked at them with teary eyes,
"How? How do you know." I asked.

"Because of one fact, the dolls escaped before,"

-Next day-

I woke up, it was a new day. I remembered what we talked about last night, I wasn't going to cry now though. Turns out that I had been asleep for a few days, it's normal because everyone does that when they find out about our family line. But it it's still hard to take in. I remember grandfather and grandmother and go downstairs. They're on the couch, watching something on the tv. I went to see what it was. The news music started to play.
"Hello, thank you Samantha. Today, we have some breaking news, a  killer is on the loose. The name and face of this killer is unidentified, but what we do know is they are dangerous. So far, only one murder has been reported, but they may be more to come. So please, for your own safety , don't travel alone and keep your doors locked Britain. Thank you, next u-

My grandfather switched off the television. A scowl crossing his face.
"Damn, it's already at it," he growled.
"Hey gramps," I said. My heart beating fast, my reaction to what happened last night wasn't the best.
"Hey kid, did you get some sleep?" My grand asked. I mean it made sense he would, today was the big day. The day we finally destroyed it. Last night I learnt my family history. Last night I found out about a doll that wants revenge on my father for creating it, last night I learnt about why it was important I knew my history. Last night I finally figured out why my dad died, last night....I found the truth.

Heyyy this books ending soon, it's funny. Spent around a month on it, welp, I was wondering, if you guys want (and this is a safe space) comment how you're day has been going


I hope you have a good day!

-1349 words-

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