Chapter 5

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"No no no no no no no no no NO- it's gone...this is bad..this is really bad..."

Genevieve was adjusting to the dark of her room. She was breathing heavily, sweat soaking her shirt and bed. She touched her face, warm tears were sliding down her face.
She looked up, she was really scared now. What was that creature, why was it so familiar, who were the soldiers in her dream, why was it so detailed, where was the place she was at-

Genevieve realised she had trailed off and stared at her clock. It was 3am in the morning, didn't she hear her grandfather shouting. Wait, HER GRANDFATHER WAS SHOUTING. She ninja rolled out of her be cans face planted onto the floor. Quickly recovering, she sprinted towards her door, knocking a few things over in the process. She ran down some stairs and tripped, falling down the next 20 steps. She got up from the ground, holding her head she ran for the shop part of the building. Turning a right, then smashing open a door. She then ran down a corridor. And into the shop.
"GRANDFATHER ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" She shouted, scanning the room for him. She spotted him at the front looking at the ground.
"Grandfather are you alr-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence. Jonathan Cortez was crying, when she looked at what her grandfather was staring at, she saw broken glass scattered all over the ground.

She looked up to the shelf above them, she realised that the doll in the bell jar was gone. She turned to her grandfather,
"Gramps, are you alright, what is going on?" She asked.
"It- its....gone. " Her grandfather stuttered. After a few more seconds his expression formed into a more serious one.
"Honey," he shouted. "It's time." Hannah rushed inside the shop, leaving a huge mess of clocks and screws behind her.

"Don't start messing with me you-" Hannah stopped what she was saying after seeing the broken glass on the floor. She looked up to the shelf, where the mysterious doll was, and back to the ground. She repeated that action a few times before rushing to her grandfathers side, pushing Genevieve out of the way in the process.
"Hey- YOU CANT DO THAT OLD WOMEN!!" Gen screamed.
"Honey, what are we going to do, she doesn't know yet and we can't put her in danger. This is a huge problem, we're gonna need some help." Her grandmother asked her grandfather.
"I'm not sure, but we've got to wake her up, it's been a few days and this don't look good, the town won't believe us but we can get her out of this place." Her grand started to head to her room when,
"HEY! I'M HERE YOU KNOW!! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE GOT TO WAKE HER UP??? " Genevieve screamed, confused about what was happening.

"Oh, honey.." Her grandfather said nervously.
"How long have you been standing there,?"
"Hmm, Long enough to know that some crazy shit's happening and I don't know what that crazy shit is, so dear grandfather," Genevieve stopped to take a breath, turned her head to her grandmother,
"And grandmother, can you please tell me what the hell is happening or I will cut my head off." Genevieve stated , the sarcasm in her voice suggested she was very pissed off.
"Ha- ha honey you have a good humo-" Genevieve was already headed towards the kitchen to get a knife.
"Ok, ok calm down, we'll tell you what's going on..just sit down and we'll meet you in just a few minutes.

Genevieve sat down on her bed, her head in her hands. So there's even more huh?. That's just great. First I find out I'm part magical demon monster, now there's a creepy doll that got stolen but apparently it's bigger Ethan that, AND I've probably been asleep for 3 days now. Life's JUST peachy, ain't it???

Gen's train of thought came to an abrupt stop after she heard her bedroom door open.
"hey Gen...." her grandfather said quietly.
"So yes, if your wondering, we did, miss out a few things here and there when we explained about But that's not the point. We were just trying to protect you and"
"Ok grandad that's great and all but I didn't wanna hear excuses, I just want and answer before all this shit."
"Excuse me young lady but mind your language" Hannah said
"Oh p- LEASE shut up Hannah because I've had enough of this, don't think I didn't hear you scream "bitch" two seconds ago." Gen said with annoyance laced in her tone.

Hannah stood in shock at the complete personality change of her granddaughter. She always felt as if she wasn't that close to her granddaughter, at least not as close as she is with her husband. But to know she missed out on the fact that she is totally badass was a problem too.

"Well??" Genevieve rolled her eyes. Shifting her weight to one leg, crossing her arms. It was silent "haven't got all day ya know." She sighed. More silence. "Fine. "You win!- don't tell me the-"

"Genevieve the doll is alive."


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