Chapter 4

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"Basically, well, in short Sylvia passed the test and got married to E. they had kids and those kids had kids and those kids had kids, soon it came to me." John clarified.
"So your telling me I have monster blood..." Genevieve said in disgust.


"Wow, this is just- so I'm part magical crazy monster?" Genevieve asked for the 100th time now. Her grandparents staring at her with plain confusion, on how she still hasn't gotten it yet.
"I'm part-"
"YES YOUR PART MAGICAL, CRAZY , PHANTOM-MONSTER NOW LET US CONTINUE!!" Hannah shouted, she was growing quite impatient.
"O-ok." Gen whispered.
"So, I'm guessing you want to know if you have shadow powers, don't you?"



After the session with her grandparents, Genevieve became overcome with so many thoughts. It was around 11pm, she should have went to bed 2 hours ago. Basically what she learned, she was so far the only one who didn't know about, being part "paranormal" as everyone in the family liked to call it. As well as the fact that, the other abilities that she has because of this is, 1. She has the power to manipulate people of the shadows minds, slightly. This is because she's only part shadow,  usually, P.o.T.S's are very...morbid. They have the power to alter each other's conscious, that way they have a say in whatever reach other does. Only if they touch them though.

2. She learned that because of her family's DNA, anyone who has the blood of a Cortez in them, can survive being in the realm, (the realm of the P.o.T.S that is,) and can survive being dragged in by the shadows, it's not guaranteed, but there's like a 75% chance-?. That's pretty much it.

She sat down on a chair, hunched over punching her temple. She was so confused right now. Her mind was racing with thoughts that shouldn't even be in a 15 year olds mind.
"Ugh, I thought I was normal. What am I going to do now?" She sighed. How would her dad handle this. What she would do now just to hear him one more time.  She looked at one of the many clocks in the room. It was 23:30. She didn't realise the time was going by so fast. After staring at the clock for a few minutes, she opens a door and went into the actual shop. It was connected to her grandfathers apartment, "in case the enemy strikes, you never know.." Jonathan Cortez whispered, holding a cricket bat.

"Gramps, you're not in the wars anymore, there's no enemy." Genevieve's younger self stated. Getting up from sting with her toys.
'"I told you Gen, you never know when the enemy strikes, that's why you gotta be prepared." Her grandfather crouched down and said, a serious expression on his face.
"Fine let's ask dad then!" Genevieve traveled to the kitchen where her dad was cutting vegetables. "Dad,"
"Yes sweetheart,?" He said.
"Gramps says the shop is connected to the apartment 'in case the enemy attacks'! Can you tell him there is no enemy!" Gen said with a cute pour on her face. Suddenly a shocked expression crossed her dads face, turning back  to happy in a millisecond. The shops bell rings and he puts the knife he was holding down.
"Haha, look there's a customer, I'm going to go say hi." Her dad said in a fake happy voice. He sounded more like he was going to beat the crap out of someone, rather than 'going to say hi to a customer'. But obviously Genevieve was too to young to realise that.
"What did I say dad! I told you, no talking about that in front of her!" Genevieve's dad shouted.
"Well she's going to have to find out sooner or later Sam! No time better than the present! Right?" Jonathan shouted back.
"Listen John, I know all you wanted was to tell her but we agreed, when she's 15 she can find out." Gens mother butted in.
"Stay out of this Delilah, she's my granddaughter." John snarled, a glare pointed straight at her.
"Well she's my daughter!" She was about to say something else when Hannah entered with a tray of tea and biscuits.
"Ok you idiots, you can argue after this cup of tea. I didn't spend an hour baking those biscuits for nothing you know." She said in a rough voice, ushering everyone to sit down.

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