Chapter 7

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Warnings: death, slight mentions of intrusive thoughts, ehh some other stuff that I don't know

Last  night I finally figured out why my dad died, last night....I found the truth.

-a few days later-

"Hey, wasSsSsSS asa asa upppp weeeee! Genny-wenny," My grandfather walked in, wearing some sunglasses....and chains? He walked in with a sort of sway in his body , his legs criss-crossing while he walked. He was wearing a pink, Hawaiian shirt with black shorts. He looked really. Really. Really, drunk.. His right hand was pointing to his nose, while his other was waving around. He started to spin. Soon he fell face delay on the ground.

"I- I-in-ma- IM OKAY!" He shouted. I shook my head, grandfather was out for the whole night yesterday, me and Hannah were so worried. You see, after I found out about the doll, we started to make battle plans. By battle plans I mean my grandmother holding a cricket bat and my grandfather looking for his knife collection. It didn't work out since number one, it's the 21st century England now, I'm not sure you're allowed to carry cricket bats and knife around. Number two, we don't even know where the doll is? The news has kept quiet on the matter, but I guess we got to do our own research.

I hauled my grandfather up some stairs. He was very heavy (and drunk) so it took a few minutes. I finally got him to the top, without him falling off again, and took him to the bathroom where the bathtub is. I prepared some water and some and told him to take a shower. Right now Hannah was out looking for clues so she wasn't home. I went out the bathroom and back down the stairs. I sighed.
"This is all going terrible," I held my head in my hands.
Ever since the doll went loose he got back into his drinking problem. Grandmother is worried about him but I've got to stay strong, since i figured out how dad died, things have been rough.

Time passed by as I waited for Gramps to finish taking a bath, in that time I had done some research on paranormal activity. Grandmother came home 10 minutes ago, she couldn't find anything. Turns out I have to go to school here now too, since mum and my brother aren't in the right mindset to be dealing with me right now.

The worlds gonna end if I don't do this
You're going to let everyone down
You're so stupid
What do I research
Paranormal activity duh?
No no no, this was- well yeah I guess.. wait how did gramps make the doll anyways, if it's scien-
Wait. Do you think instead of doing proper science grandfather used his own dna
No no no, human experimentation is bad, but experimenting on yourself- that's a bit fa. Guess I've got to ask him when he's sober.

My train of thought was abruptly disturbed as i heard a loud thump.
"Hey, was that your grandfather?" Hannah asked. I remembered I left him up there and sprinted up the stairs.

FINALLY IM DONE! I closed the door to my grandparents bedroom and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand.
"So how's he doing" Hannah asked.
"He's doing fine."
"How's your day?"
It's just completely great , not like there's a magical death elf on the loose! That's what I wanted to say, instead
"It's good." Oh crap, why did I do that. Silence erupted between the two of us. We just stood there for a few minutes in the awkwardness. In the end , I decided to keep on going, big mistake.
"So, I've got a question for you," I said, my voice going quieter.
"Hm" Hannah said, indicating she was listening.
"Heexperimentedonhimselfdidnthedontlietomeiknowwhenyouareijustwanttoknoeeasepleaseplease!" I said , I was closing my eyes, waiting for the shout. Instead , when I opened my eyes, I saw a confused expression on my grandmothers face. Oh yeah, I just spoke fast gibberish. Soon, Grandmas expression turned from confusion to a sly smirk. Soon I started to hear clapping, not that really loud one that you hear at talking shows, I mean the slow evil villain type. It freaked me out.
"Well done Gen, you really are the best of us aren't you." Hannah said.
"What do you mean I'm the best of you?" I said . I was really and truly lost,
"You are pretty much the only one who can save us ya know?" Hannah said with a sigh, "come with me," she waved her hand.
"The doll is very strong Genevieve, very deadly, we need strong people to stop it, but only you can." More confusion stirred in my brain.
"Your grandfather is old, he cannot fight anymore, and I, I can't help since I am not a Cortez. Well at least my blood. There is not much time left, so I'm going to need you to listen to me." I stared in shock at my grandmother, she usually sing this grim and serious. "Please, make sure that you use that brain of yours right, it's special, one of a kind, and one of the only that can help, I see so much of your father in you. But you're father could not see past the walls, you can. So please, do this right, I believe in you." And then came the hug. I was shocked to say the least, my grandmother never hugged me like that. This really must be important. I soon got used to the hug and squeezed back. Sometimes, we gotta treasure these special moments, no matter how confusing it may be.

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