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Jiwon looked at herself in the mirror and tied her luscious hair into a ponytail. She was wearing a plain black crop top and a pair of jeans. After applying her lipstick and making sure she looks presentable, she headed downstairs towards the front door.

Jiwon halted her step when she saw Yeonjun's car in front of her house just when she was about to head out to Seonghwa's café. It was weekend and she thought it would be nice to spend some time there while waiting for Yeosang to finish his work

"Are you going somewhere?" Yeonjun asked as he got out of the car.

"I'm going to meet him."

Yeonjun raised his brows before realisation hit upon him. She was going to meet boyfriend, Yeosang. He happened to know about their relationship when he saw them kissing in front of her house – he was about to ask her if she would like to join him for a drink that night. That's when he plucked all his courage to ask Jiwon whether what he thought was true.

Unfortunately for him, they have been dating each other for a month already. To his surprise, that news hit him hard like a dagger that struck his heart – harder than when his father kept on comparing him to his older brother.

It didn't occur to him that he would fall hard on her – he thought that his feelings for her would go away soon but he was wrong about it.

Biting his lower lips, he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilt upon what he's going to say next. How should he word it?

"What's wrong?" she asked when the lad didn't say anything.

One thing that Yeonjun realised, Jiwon had become a lot softer and she smile more frequent than before. Love really can change someone. Unfortunately, it was not his love that could change her.

"You see," he started. "My aunt wants to go shopping with you. I already told her that you might already had a plan for the weekend but she was so adamant about it. I'm sorry." He sighed. He really didn't want to force her to come when she was about to meet her boyfriend but he was out of idea on how to persuade his aunt. The elder wouldn't change her mind until he come to Jiwon's house and bring her there.

Jiwon pushed her tongue against her inner cheek as she was thinking. It's not like she has a date with Yeosang – she just missed him and wanted to see him at the café while he's doing his part-time job.

They just met each other yesterday, yet she already missed him like they haven't seen each other for days. She chuckled inwardly at how crazy she is about Yeosang.

"Actually, you don't have to come. I'll just come up with excuses to my aunt," said Yeonjun. He didn't want her to feel burden about it.

"I'll come."

"Huh?" His eyes widened.

"I'll come so that you don't have to lie to your aunt. Probably she won't buy your story. You seem to be a bad liar." She could see guilt and worry were evident on his face. It tugged her heartstring. Yeonjun was her first friend and someone that she opened up to. She loves him as her dear friend.

"Are you sure?" Before he could get his answer, Jiwon already round his car and stopped at the passenger side. "Let's go before I change my mind," she said and hopped inside the car.


"Oh dear, you look so pretty in that dress," said Mrs. Choi when Jiwon stepped out of the changing room wearing a navy coloured dress that hugged her upper body. "Yeonjun, what do you think?" She turned towards Yeonjun who was standing there, silently admiring how beautiful Jiwon is.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, that dress suit her well."

"Then we should buy it." Mrs. Choi flicked her fingers, signalling the attendant that she will be taking the dress. Strolling towards where the designer clothes were hung, Mrs. Choi browsed through it to see if there's any that suit to her liking.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now