Chapter 14

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Izzy's POV

I woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror fortunately my swollen eye went down. It was mine and Cole's one year anaversery. I hopped in the shower and when I got out I picked out a dress.(which doesn't happen a lot because I hate dresses) I picked a short(but not to short) like a knee high dress that was white and had colorful flowers on it. I slipped on my white vans and grabbed my penny board. I skated to Cole's house even though I was in a dress. I walked up to his front door. I knocked on his door and he answered. He was in jeans a white button up shirt and a red tie. He had his white vans on. Hey sexy he said. Hey babe I said back. I have a really nice day planned he said. Ok I said don't tell me anything because I want to be suprised. Ok he said. I came in and he handed me a boquet of roses. I smelled them and smiled. I love them. I handed hi a card and he opened it. Awww he said I love it. I love the roses. I kissed him and we sat on the couch. I'm hungry he said are you. Yea a little. Ok well since its around noon I figured we go somewhere for lunch. Ok I said. He brought me to his car and blindfolded me. Whats the blindfold for I asked. You'll see. We drove for about 10 minutes. Then Cole stopped the truck. He opened the door and he grabbed my hand. He took me out of the truck and we started walking. He stopped me and took off my blindfold. There was a picnic basket on a blanket and we were in the middle of a beautiful feild with a lake right by it. He grabbed my hand and walked me over to picnic blanket. I love it I said hugging Cole. We sat down and all of a sudden the other guys from IM5 came out of the middle of no where. They started signing Zero Gravity. It was awesome. After eating lunch and listening to the other guys sing we got into the truck and Cole looked at me. Wanna see a movie? Sure I said what movie? How about The Theory of Everything. Yes I have been wanting to see that movie for like forever. We went to the movies and it was an amazing movie. Cole held my hand for a while and then he put his arm around me. When we got out of the movie theaters Cole brought me to dinner. He brought me to a really nice restrunt. It was called Stephan Pyles. It was so nice. Since it was only five o'clock and the sun set was at six thirty, Cole brought me to the beach not too far away from his house. Luckly there was no one there so we took out a blanket and set it up on the sand. We both kicked off our shoes and ran into the water. It felt so good having the cold water brushing up against my skin. After about ten minutes of being in the water, me and Cole held hands and took a nice walk around the beach. The sun started to set so we sat down on the blanket and watched it. It was so beautiful. I was leaning on Cole. When the sunset was over Cole drove me home. When we drove up to my house he got out with me and he walked me to the door. Thank you i sad. No problem he said kissing me. When we pulled apart, I said goodbye and went into the house. I didnt feel like going upstairs so I fell asleep on the couch. 

Authors Note: Sorry for not updating. I have had tons of homework and I also had writers block. Hope you guys enjoy 


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