Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning on Cole's couch. He was still sleeping but he put his arm on me. I snuggled up closer to him. His nose twitched a little it was so cute. He woke up a couple of minutes later. Hey babe he said. Hey I said back. Omg his morning voice was so sexy. Wanna hang out with the guys today he asked. Sure. We got ready. Since I didn't have any clothes because i didn't think I was going to be sleeping over, Cloe gave me his clothes. He gave me his sweatpants, one of his t-shirts and his gray beanie. I went into the bathroom and changed. when I came out Cole just stared at me. Wow you look sexy he said. Thanks. The boys are coming over in a little.  K I said. I really wish Dalton wasn't mad at me. Yea I dont know why he was being such a jerk Cole said. Yea. We heard a knock on the door so I jumped up and answered it. (even though it was cole's house) When I answered the door it was David. Hey.... I said as he pushed me in and slammed the door. Dude what's wrong I asked. He totally ignored my question and started screaming for cole. COLE HELP COOOOOLLLLLEEEE!!!!!! DAVID WHAT'S WRONG I screamed. Jucy J's back he answered. Jucy J? Cole came running up from the basement and was screaming. WHAT SHE'S BACK HOW DID SHE FIGURE OUT WHERE WE LIVE. I DON'T KNOW DAVID SCREAMED BACK. Will someone tell me whats going out with out screaming in my ears. Ok Cole started. So last summer me and the boys went to LA with some producer and there was this girl who had a major crush on me and was like hitting on me and now she's back. And everytime we said no she would go to the next guy. We heard a knock on the door. God damn it. Cole said. How did she get to Texas and find out what town I lived in. I don't know David screamed. Both of you calm down I'll answer the door and tell her your not interested. Be careful Izzy he said. I'll be fine Cole calm down. I opened the door and almost got run over by this Jucy j girl. Oh Cole she screamed. Hold on I said pushing her out the front door. Ok I said I'm Izzy. Yea I know who you are get out of my way so I can see Cole. Um about that he's not interested in you so you can just leave now. Oh shut up he loves me. Sorry Jucy he dosen't he loves me. What does that mean. Sorry Jucy, I'm kind of his girldfriend. What she screamed. Yea so can you just back off please. She looked at me and punched me right in the face. ANd she just kept punching me until I blacked out. 

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