Chapter 9

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David's POV

I saw that Cole left his jacket in Gabes car so I ran over to Izzy's house to give it back to him. When I walked in I started saying Hey Cole you left your jacket....... When I looked at them they were sitting on Izzy's couch kissing. I ran out and slammed the door. I jumped in the bush in case anyone came out at that moment. I heard Cole say something and Izzy say something back. After a couple of seconds Cole came out and jumped off the last step. He did a little dance and whisper screamed yes. I can't believe she acctully kissed me. He started to walk home and when I thought the cost was clear I ran out of the bush and ran home.

Izzy's POV

The Next Day

I woke up and checked my phone. I had a text from Cole.

Cole: hey sunshine

Me: hey mr. flirty

Cole: want to come over and play x-box with me and the guys

Me sure

Cole: cool cant wait to see you

Me: same be over in a few

I got dressed and skated over to Coles house. When I got in David looked at me funny. He gave me the up and down eyebrow look. I ignored him and said hi to the other guys. After a while of playing x-box I went into the kitchen to get some water. A couple of seconds David came in. What do you want I asked. I know you and Cole kissed last night. I choked on my water and looked at David. How the hell do you know? Did Cole tell you because if he did I will kill him. No he said. I walked into you guys kissing last night. Cole forgot his jacket in Gabes car so I ran over to your house and the door was unlocked so I walked in and you and Cole were kissing. David you have to promise me with all your heart that you will not tell anyone and when I say anyone I mean ANYONE. David do you understand me? Yes he said. Ok I hugged him. Thank you I said. We walked out of the kitchen and the boys looked at us weird. What I asked. Oh nothing. They said. After a while the boys left and it was just me and Cole. Izzy? he looked at me. Yes I said. Do you want to be my girlfriend? What I said. Well? he asked. Of course I do. Awesome he said. Then he kissed me. When we pulled away Cole started talking. What are we supposed to tell the other guys. I don't know how about we don't tell them. Well we have to tell them at one point he said. Oh right forgot to tell you David knows we kissed at my house. WHAT?!?!?!?!? he screamed. He walked in on us kissing last night because you forgot your jacket in Gabes car. God damn it he said. It's fine he promised he wouldn't tell anyone. I said. Yup were screwed he said. Why I asked. Because everytime we make David promise something he has a panic attack and tells everyone. Oh shit I said were screwed. Yup Cole said.

David's POV

As me and the guys walked to the restrunt Dalton left because he didn't feel good. As me and the guys sat at the table Dana started asking me questions. Hey David how come Izzy and Cole have been acting so weird lately. What do you mean I asked and I started sweating. I mean they have been staring at eachother and like being all weird. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING I screamed. You know someting don't you David, Will said. Ok I walked in on Cole and Izzy kissing. WHAT!!!!! Gabe said. Why didn't they tell us Gabe said. Izzy said she and Cole were scared to tell us I said. Why we have been her friends since second grade Dana said. I don't know I said but you can't tell her I told you. Ok Gabe said.

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