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she didn't know if she could do it. sitting on the floor of the gryffindor common room (only getting in with the help of angelina) holding the note fred had written her — willow didn't know if she could actually read it, the whole twenty minutes she'd been in there her brain was screaming at her to read it but it's like her body wouldn't ever let her.

'let's just do it come on willow.' willow said trying to motivate herself, 'what's the worst that could happen? a paper cut?' she finished reassuring herself, sitting down leaning against the brown armchair. the girl looked down to her scar littered hands that held the note which was tied in a strip of yellow silk: slowly she started unraveling it until the silk fell and two pieces of paper sat in her hands

she exhaled a harsh breath before beginning to read the note that could break her heart or mend it.

dear willow,

    this is one of the first letters i've written that wasn't an apology of some sort & i really don't have a clue on what to say but i'll try fit it all in these two pages.

the first time i saw you rush into professor lupins class late in third year it was like i had a chemical reaction in my brain— i smiled at you & you rolled your eyes, from that moment on i knew we'd be great friends :) i remember you wore your hair in plait and had some type of pen ink on your face, knowing you better now you had probably fallen asleep whilst writing about constellations or something along those lines.

willow laughed, he wasn't half wrong. she was writing but about greek mythology.

you were this odd girl that usually wondered about on her own, barely ever came to quidditch matches or celebrations, you seemed like you didn't have a care in the world and for some odd reason that only intrigued me to get to know you more so i tried & tried until i finally got through to you, willow iris avery. that turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me.

you are by far one of the most strong & empathetic not mention stunningly gorgeous people i've ever met, my god your mind is so brilliant and that's exactly the thing that made me fall in love with you: not your hair, smile or walk. your mind. of course those other things are contributing factors but it was the way you'd see people for something other than what they looked like or how they dressed, the way you'd interrupt a professor if they had gotten something wrong like the virgo you are, the way you stood up for yourself, the way you run your hand along the walls you'd walk by then smile, the way you'd help first years get to their classes safely, the way you'd shove past me & say 'move weasley, you don't own the whole school.' or even the way you'd just intently observe the great hall eating breakfast and if you saw someone wasn't eating you'd simply get up, pack food onto their plates & walk away saying something like 'having three meals is the most important thing of the day!' oh my darling you are something this world needs more of.

i knew one day i'd be dead & that's not because i'm an idiot that gets myself into bad situations or a supernova but because i'd die to protect you not matter what the repercussions were: that's how much i love you, so if you're reading this... did it work? is everything okay? i hope so because i'll be at one with death if that means your living, get out there avery— do things you've never done before & go places you want to see, chase the bloody stars. live willow. not for me but for you, you deserve it after everything you've been through.

i wish i could be with you, holding you in my arms again or annoying the absolute life out of you but unfortunately for now we'll be apart for some time my love. i'll meet you again one day, maybe in a different body or different reality but i can say this with confidence: the story of you & i isn't over, love this was just our first book & hopefully the next ending doesn't hurt you as bad as this one did.

willow turned to the next piece of paper.

now quickly go do me a favor, stand up & walk over to one of the windows. quickly now slowpoke!

willow, rolling her eyes playfully stood up quickly and went over to window, the 5 pm sun enveloping her in gold. she looked back to the letter.

now give the sky the finger.

she smiled doing so, knowing exactly what he was doing.

wow, flipping me off when i'm dead? little twat. no no i'm kidding i love you don't hex the sky or something i know you're probably capable of doing so, einstein.

she couldn't help but laugh as she walked away from the window, sitting back down on the carpet & continuing to read on.

i'm sorry love. i'm sorry for every fight we've had or each time i made you cry, i'm sorry for all of it & you deserve to be happy.. that's why i'm telling you it's okay to let me go, i won't hate you... maybe.. kidding again! but instead i'll watch over you and protect you best i can because if it isn't clear enough— i'll love you till the sun burns out n' even then on my love won't falter not even a little bit.

you are the best thing to ever happen to me. oh how far we've come— from annoying boy & annoyed girl to star crossed lovers, i wish i could rewrite the stars but nobody can.

before i start crying i think i'll just say: i'll love you forever willow. stay safe & look after yourself. until we meet again dark and mysterious. we'll get our happy ending one day, i promise.

- fred w.

'one day my boy, one day.' willow said with glossy eyes.

just as she was about the close the letter she saw something small at the bottom of the page.

ps: look in the drawers of the desk across the room. i hope you like it love.

willows brows knitted together in confusion but still she got up and went over to the desk, pulling out each drawer until the last one had something in it.

laying there was a bulky brown package, tied together with the same yellow silk— willow grabbed it & slowly began unwrapping it, her hand clapping over her mouth once she saw what it was.

laid there was freds blue weasley jumper, his scarlet n' gold quidditch jumper, a box of bertie botts every flavour beans & a cd: kiss me, kiss me, kiss me by the cure.

willow didn't know wether to laugh or cry at the gift but she did know that she loved it & that she'd wear his jumper with pride for the rest of her life.

a few hours after she went back to the hufflepuff dormitories willow decided to take a needed shower since depression had struck her down to the point of deterioration of her hygiene, right after the shower she put on the jumper fred had gifted her & laid down on her bed. the smell bought tears to her eyes, happy tears. it was like he was there with her slow dancing around his room to 'the night we met' by lord huron at the burrow holding her close to him, like he was hugging her tightly on christmas morning or even when they shared that last embrace during the battle of hogwarts that ultimately took his life.

even though she had to let him go eventually that didn't mean the memories had to leave as well. fred would continue to live in her head full of memories, his scent in her clothes n' the strings of her heart.

long live fred weasley.

10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU .ıllı. F. G. W.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang