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'i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.'

(FRIDAY: december 24th)

—  *:・゚'what are you thinking about darling?' fred asked as his fingers ran through willows hair, the smell of cinnamon & vanilla filling the air in the burrow it really was such a comforting smell. 'oh, nothing i'm just worried. it's getting crazier by the day freddie and if anything happens to you or your family for that matter i might lose my mind.' willow explained, her tone filled with caution & worry as she lie drawing circles on freds chest with her finger.

she was right. it was getting crazier by the day, deatheaters were practically everywhere as voldemort's army grows bigger— willow had every right to be worried or scared i mean wouldn't you be?

fred sat up and pulled willow closer into his chest, looking down at the teary eyed girl 'don't you worry about any of that okay? everything is going to be fine love, i'll always be here. forever and always right?' he reassured, wiping away the tear that had fallen from her earthy eyes & giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

willow forced a smile and nodded, 'forever and always freddie.' but the tears wouldn't stop. she cried & cried as her fears of losing fred grew & grew until fred had enough. 'i'm sorry i just can't have this, wait right here.' he exasperated, getting up from his bed and rushing downstairs like he was looking for something that had life or death value behind it— willow pulled her knees up to her chest trying to subdue her crying.

stomp.stomp.stomp and then 'fred weasley! what on earth are you doing? dinner is almost ready!!' the voice of molly weasley yelled from downstairs

willow looked out the window as the sky  turned orange, pink & purple: swirling together like galaxies. the sight took her mind away from everything for a second it was just so pulchritudinous or in other words amazingly beautiful.

'alright sweetheart' freds presences graced the room & when willow went to look over at him she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

standing in front of her was a 6'4 ginger holding a tray of mince pies, a gigantic tub of florean fortescues ice cream & his mums homemade fudge. 'fred, what the fuck?' she laughed, more tears still ready to spill out

'what? i came prepared but i did infact cop a smack up the head, who knew old ladies could hit so hard?' fred said rubbing the side of is head after putting the treats down on his bed.

'i heard that!' molly yelled again.

they looked at eachother and laughed, fred tackling willow into a hug.

'oh how i adore you, avery'

'likewise weasley. likewise.'

willow & fred ate the ice cream and mince pies all up, aswell as the fudge (molly scolded them for eating so much before dinner but they didn't care). he made her feel so much better even when the wizarding world was in one of its darkest times— willow was freds light and fred was willows.

it's like they were destined to meet but the falling in love part? that was all them, they were irrevocably & undeniably in love with eachother and it seemed not even death could rip these two apart yet if death tried to take willow from fred: oh no he wouldn't let him touch her.

some people would sacrifice their love to save the world but fred would sacrifice the world just to save her.. and she would do the exact same thing for him.

(TUESDAY: september 2nd)

—  *:・゚'that was wicked. i told you muggle concerts are fun!' willow exclaimed in a tipsy slur as both her & fred walked out of the arena, into the car park after seeing arctic monkeys play live which was quite frankly one of the best things in the world. she surprised him with tickets and even though it took some begging he finally caved and agreed to go— little did fred know, it would be one of the greatest nights of his life.

taking another few sips from his flask he stumbled over to his drunk girlfriend 'it was brilliant i'll say that but i was valid for having my doubts love i mean you told me fire whiskey wasn't flammable and then i done almost set myself on fire' fred said, draping his arm over willows shoulder, almost face planting into the snow that had now become ankle deep. 'maybe i wanted to kill you off good sir, ever think of that?' willow said jumping in front of him, holding out a fake air sword.. but not before slipping and falling on her ass, bringing fred down with her.

'oh my ass!' the girl winced propping herself up on her elbows & him laughing didn't make the situation any better 'it's not funny fred that's gonna bruise' she cried shoving him but also starting to laugh herself, 'it's not funny, totally not funny love. want me to kiss it better?' he tried to fake sympathy when really he was holding his laugh in so hard he was turning magenta.

being intoxicated pretty much anything makes you laugh but freds laugh was contagious anyways, even with a bruised behind willow still found the bright side.

that bright side was him.

after calming down slightly they both turned to eachother out of breath, willow moved freds beanie up a little & fred brushed snow off willows face, 'we are an absolute mess.' the ginger chuckled looking at the raven haired girl completely smitten, she was perfect in every way possible and he didn't know how he had gotten so lucky. 'speak for yourself weasel' willow responded, leaning over and kissing him as passionate as drunk gets.

only a few people can say they made out in the snow after a concert, willow & fred being part of that few.

of course they did make it home safe... after george & lee came to get them. if anything willow should be dreading molly more than that bruise.

10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU .ıllı. F. G. W.Where stories live. Discover now