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'everyone quite down. now, whose brave enough to share their poem with the class today?' professor binns asked as the class stay silent: after a few seconds one hand raised into the dead silence— the hand of willow avery.

professor binns looked pleased as willow was one of the most talented students in his class, although she was rather opinionated & loved a good argument her mind was something so rare. 'perfect. miss avery, come up come up' binns spoke once more, standing from behind his ruddy desk.

willow gave a sheepish smile and rose from her seat taking a deep breath, her best friend angelina johnson who was sharing the desk with her giving the girls arm a soft squeeze of reassurance— willow glanced down at angelina and nodded before making her way up to the front of the class, trying to avoid the gazes of people.

'the poem you're all about to hear is called '10 things i hate about you' and i wrote it last night so please be gentle' she chuckled awkwardly adjusting her yellow tie, a few people in the class smiling at her words.

with one last deep breath she began...

10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU .ıllı. F. G. W.Where stories live. Discover now