Chapter Twenty-Two: Spencer's POV

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"She's being released tomorrow," I tell Garcia once I'm in the parking lot, "I think I can get her to talk to me without all of the guards present. I'm going to pick her up and maybe I can even convince Hotch to let me stay for a few days. I mean, if I can pull this act off for long enough, she might let her guard down and slip up."

Garcia is quiet on the other end of the phone, which doesn't happen very often.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Spencer?" she finally asks, "I mean, I get that you think she's responsible, but there isn't any evidence pointing that way. Are you positive that the only reason you're wanting to stay is because of the case, or is there something else?"

"Yes, it's just for the case. Why else would I stay?"

"Reid, you've been overly invested in this case from the beginning," Penelope states, exasperation in her voice, "Sloane has been able to get under your skin and you can't get over the fact that she's been five moves ahead of us this entire time. Even with being convicted for Mr. Robinson's death, she got off with the slap on the wrist equivalent for murder. You are playing a chess game that you're going to lose, Spencer. She isn't worth risking your badge over."

I run my hand through my hair, I can't explain this. Garcia's right, Sloane has been many steps ahead of us since the start and I hate it. I've never dealt with an unsub who's this strategic and detailed in their planning. I think that's why I can't just let this one go, I don't like losing and with her that's all I seem to do.

"You're right," I admit, "I am way too invested in this one. But Garcia, I can't let it go to just have her turn around and keep killing these men. I genuinely believe if I can play into her delusion for long enough, I can figure out "

I hear her sigh, "Hotch is not going to like this."

"I know," I start driving, "what if I tell him I'm going to visit my mom in Vegas? I mean it's not like it's a huge stretch since I'm already on the west coast."

"But do you really want to risk lying to him and being caught later?"

I sigh, "no, I don't." I shake my head, "but if I do ask for more time, he's not going to give it to me. Hotch was pretty clear that he wanted me to give up on this one and he didn't like the idea of me coming here in the first place. So, staying longer to spend more time with Sloane is definitely not going to sit well with him."

I know I have to tell him the truth, I mean he'll be able to tell if I'm lying even from 2,224.4 miles away, but I don't know what else to do. I need to figure out why this pit in my stomach won't go away and why even with all of the evidence saying that she didn't do it, I can't accept it. I know if I can get close enough, she'll slip up. She's already on the brink of a psychological break from being in prison; if I can play into that she will reveal the truth to me.

I pull into the motel parking lot and park outside my door. I sigh into the phone, "what do you think I should do, Penelope?"

"I don't know, sugar," she sounds deflated, "but if she actually has something to do with this, you're going to be the one who figures it out. Call Hotch, Spencer. You don't want this to not be above board."

I nod, accepting that she's right, "I will."


Standing in the parking lot of the prison, I'm still questioning if this is the right move. I ran through all of the scenarios in my head a hundred times and I know that this one has the potential for the best outcome, but there's always room for error. After getting off the phone with Hotch last night, he only agreed to give me today with Sloane unless I get something concrete that connects her to this and could be added to the case file. I have to be smart about this and not let her get me flustered, which is going to be difficult considering she knows how to push all of my buttons.

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