Chapter Eleven: Sloane's POV

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I see the car immediately as I reach the restaurant. Another seemingly normal black sedan that looks just like the one that was outside of my hotel last night, in San Francisco a few days ago and in Las Vegas before that. I roll my eyes, this just goes to show that even with a few PhD's men are fucking idiots. I walk into the restaurant and see Lester right away. I embrace him in a hug and kiss him once on each cheek.

"How's my girl doing?" He asks as the hostess leads us to our usual table.

"Busy as ever Les, but you know that," I say with a giggle.

I genuinely enjoy my time with Lester, I kind of feel bad taking his money, but not enough to start hanging out with him for free. Lester was the third client I ever acquired and have been meeting with him for almost two years now. He's in his eighties and never married or had kids. He told me when our arrangement first began that he tried going on dates with more "age appropriate" women but he didn't have anything in common with them. He didn't want to talk about their kids and grandkids or about their late husbands. He told me he would much rather go out with someone in their 20s and hear about their crazy dating stories, unconventional careers, and tales of their travels. Those stories are far more interesting to him and he lives vicariously through them.

"Tell me about you! Heard anything worth my while recently?"

I smile as he tells me about his new favorite artist, a singer songwriter from Oklahoma. He gives me details about the lyrics and the different instruments used. His label is planning on signing her this week. "So keep the name Lyla Turner in mind when you're listening to the radio," he says smiling.

I assure him that I will and we continue our dinner. He asks me about my life and I fill him in on everything that has happened since I last saw him, excluding the part about the FBI investigating me.

"I met a boy recently," I tell him before taking a sip of wine.

"Oh really?" He asks, intrigued.

"Yeah, he's a doctor," I smile, "but not a medical one, he does have a couple of PHD's though."

After I left Quantico that day, I did a lot of research on the BAU and Dr. Spencer Reid in particular. The man is a certified genius with three Bachelor of Art degrees and three PhD's. He joined the BAU at the age of 22, the youngest agent in the history of the bureau to do so. He's also assisted in the arrest of some very notable serial killers, like "The Boston Reaper" George Foyet, Floyd Feylinn Ferell the cannibal from Florida, and "The Prince of Darkness" Billy Flynn in California.

Dr. Spencer Reid intrigues me. Maybe it's because of the psychologist side of me who's wanting to know how being surrounded by so much death and the darkest part of humanity his entire adult life so far has affected him. Or it may be due to the fact that I find him really attractive. He's the type of guy my old self would have gone for; a little nerdy but still hot as fuck.

"So he's smart enough to keep up with you," Lester says with a wink.

I laugh, "he tries. But I don't know where it's going to go." I let out a dramatic sigh that makes Lester laugh, "he's kind of controlling, likes to know where I'm at and who I'm with. You know me Les, I'm not into being monitored."

Lester laughs again and nods before turning to the waitress to request the check. He settles the bill and I walk to the front of the restaurant with him. I kiss him on both cheeks and he discreetly slides the envelope with the cash into the inner pocket of my jacket.

"When do I get the pleasure of seeing you again?" He asks after we break our embrace.

"Whenever you want, Les," I smile, "for you, I'm just a phone call away."

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