Chapter Sixteen: Spencer's POV

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TW: Brief mention of drug use and sexual assault

"You did what?" Hotch yells at me once the door of the interrogation room is closed. Hotch rarely raises his voice and it causes me to jump a little. The rest of the team remain silent, all eyes on me.


"No," Hotch says, "Reid, you put this entire investigation on the line when you kissed her! Any deal we give her now can be construed as you working the system for the girl you have a little crush on. How could you do that?"

He is pissed. He knows how much time has been dedicated to this one case and my impulsiveness could ruin everything.

"I'm sorry!" I tell them honestly, "she was freaking out and told me that I only took her to coffee to build our case against her and I ran the probability in my head that kissing her would relieve her worries, reassure her that it wasn't all about the case, and make her stay. But I didn't know about the sexual assault, because if I did, I would have known it was the wrong move."

Hotch shakes his head, "Reid, even if the probability was good, you should've used your IQ of 187 and known that kissing our suspect is never the better option."

He turns to the rest of the team, "okay, JJ, get in contact with the district attorney in Dallas to see if they're willing to make a deal with Sloane. Everyone else, try to find out as much as we can about her and Jerry Robinson and their families, maybe there's something we missed that can help us get through to her before the two hours are up."

It's been an hour and JJ is still on the phone with the DA in Dallas, trying to convince him to assure that the death penalty is off the table and that she can serve whatever time she gets at a Arizona facility, both are big asks.

"Has anyone found any new information on our vic or Sloane?" Hotch asks as he enters the conference room.

Morgan nods, "apparently Sloane dropped out of her program after her sexual assault and didn't go on her first date with a client until five months later. She also stopped communicating with her family during that time, my guess is she was avoiding them because of her own humiliation or anger about what happened."

"Well, we can't exactly use a woman being sexually assaulted as leverage," Tara states.

Hotch nods, "anything else?"

"I created a geographical profile for Sloane's movements within each city she goes to. She tends to stay in the same area, if not the same hotel, each time she visits. Also all of her clients residences and the restaurants are within the same comfort zone. If she did kill the other men that are missing, my guess is that their bodies are hidden somewhere in these areas," I tell him, showing him the multiple maps on the white board.

"Good, call the locals and tell them about this to see if they locate any other victims," Hotch says, "Okay,  we have less than an hour until she calls her lawyer, do we have anything that could potentially make her break?"

"We could send Reid in there again," Morgan suggests. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at him, "what? She obviously likes messing with him and she has a rapport with him that none of us have. If anyone can get through to her, he can."

Rossi looks at me, "he's got a point. Spencer knows how to push her buttons just as well as she knows how to push his. I think if we send him in, there's a possibility she'll tell us something before we get her the deal."

Hotch is hesitant, understandably so after what he learned earlier, but eventually agrees.

I walk towards the interrogation room and think of what I can say to her. I need to get her to say something before she lawyers up and after I royally screwed up last night, I can't make another miscalculation.

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