𝙏𝙒𝙊. rule 24

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"Freaking blueberry pie." Malia muttered angrily before going back highlighting words with a red highlighter in her book.

"She's just hungry." Kira said nervously as Apollo nodded eyes going back towards coach was various shouting insults at the players.

Apollo continued to watch the game as Malia looked up at Kira, noticing the sour scent coming from the girl.

"What's wrong with you?" Malia asked Kira who turned to her with a nervous look.

"Me? Nothing." Malia tilted her head to the side with a look.

"You reek of anxiety. And it's distracting. What's going on?" Kira glanced at Apollo who seemed to busy watching the practice to pay attention the boys.

"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think
it never was anything at all." Kira ranted.

"What do you want it to be?" Malia asked.

"More." Kira said sadly leaning her head on Scott's lacrosse stick.

Malia looked over at Apollo and caught sight of the picture German Shepard on the back of her phone.

"Is that your dog?" Malia asked Apollo who nodded.

"Yeah. Her name is Arrow." Apollo took pride in her dog. She had never owned a pet before, so she made to do extra research before she got her and obviously the dhampir was doing something right, because the dog was extremely healthy and happy.

"Why'd you make her arrow?" Malia asked Apollo who smiled at her.

"Because it's a cool name."

"There are other cool names in the world." Malia stared suspiciously at the girl.

"I know that, but Arrow is special to me."

"Why?" Malia asked.

"That's personal."

"Why?" Malia asked again.

"Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or good?" Kira asked saving Apollo from the multiple questions Malia was about the throw at her.

Apollo watched with joy as Scott and Stiles. Malia and Kira's boyfriends started to actually do good.


"I have a dog." Malia said suddenly.

"What's their name?"

"His name is Apollo." Malia wasn't prepared for Apollo to burst out laughing, but she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the sound.

"Oh! That's funny!" Apollo exclaimed still laughing. She doubted she'd ever find someone with the same name as her.

"Why is it funny?" Malia asked.

"Because me and your dog have the same name." Apollo laughter quieted down.

"We could go on puppy dates!" Apollo offered thinking of all the cute picture she could take of Apollo and Arrow together.

"Sure, puppy dates." Malia nodded watching as a freshman got past Scott and Stiles.

The whole thing got very un-interesting to Apollo who had started to scroll through her phone only looking up when she heard the familiar sound of a bone breaking.

Apollo watched as Stiles and Scott carried the freshman off the field and coach let out a variety of curses.

"What does red mean?" Apollo asked looking at the textbook with looked more like a coloring book, because off all the different colors (mostly red) that highlighted words.

"I don't understand."

Both Malia and and Apollo looked up when a lacrosse stick landed in there face.

"Oh! Wow! Nice catch. Throw it back." Coach yelled as Kira stood up and threw the ball. Successfully hitting the man in the stomach.

"Oh, my God." Apollo muttered as she watched the man groan on the groan.

"Someone ask her if she's ever played lacrosse."

Her nickname is pronounced pa-low <3

And i was re-watching teen wolf and found out that her dog was named Apollo, i had to add it to the story.

Breaking all the rules • Malia Tate Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat