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when shigaraki finished fucking overhaul up, he came back to the van, seeing your brows furrowed as if you were distressed. "what's up with her?" he scolded himself for letting his voice waver.

"she's normal again." dabi said simply. you were leaning into his skin, draining his warmth which he had so abundantly. a personal heater that never stopped. toga also took advantage of this often.

"it seems like she's not used to the transitions between the two states of power." compress noted as the van started up, rumbling as they made their quick getaway. "it's good that she's resting now."

you now had two quirks. your healing and this new exoskeleton that provided enhanced abilities. shigaraki had to admit that the spider legs looked cool— it looked like the iron spider suit that spiderman had in that one game he played. though it was kind of concerning that it spawned from the small of your back, using your existing spine to produce the new limbs.

shigaraki didn't reply to compress. he liked that you weren't conscious as you were in this van together — that meant you didn't have to talk. but at the same time...


arriving at the hq, toga and twice immediately rushed up to you to ask if you were okay. you were still asleep, fevered as beads of sweat condensed on your forehead.

compress ran a bath for you and toga dropped some flowers that were outside into the water to "make it look nice". twice and spinner set up an old steamer twice found by a dumpster. by the time the water was warm enough and the air was hot and heavy, you were slightly awake, allowing you to undress yourself and slip yourself into the water.

you sighed as your senses calmed down from being on an all-time-high for a while. you wrapped a towel around your head and sunk down into the water, relaxed and blissfully avoiding all the problems you had in life.

you felt sleepy. was it weird to sleep while in a bath?

oh well. your eyes blinked rapidly, then slowly, before shutting completely.

the knock on the door was unanswered.

shigaraki, knowing full well you were naked, stubbornly stayed outside, waiting for you to either come out or let him in. his perverted thoughts ran wild as his knocks were met with silence, wondering what you were doing, what your body looked like dripping with water.

he shook his head, quelling his desire. he just wanted to talk to you. he heard shuffling around on the other side, his body perking up when he heard water sloshing and a towel being ran off its rack.

was this a bad time? maybe he should leave.

he always knew you were somewhat capable but he never knew you could do something like that. he was so pathetic, crawling back to you a day after he had pushed you away. but he was surprisingly okay with that.

the door opened and there you stood, still damp but smelling incredibly sweet. a nice smell to fall asleep to, maybe? better than the musty sheets, that's for sure.

but his heart squeezed when you glared at him, icily asking, "what do you want, shigaraki?"

he gulped as you sauntered past him, not paying him any more mind when he didn't respond. he kind of frowned when you ignored his authority yet again, speaking to him as if he was your average guy.

but then he remembered he literally could not hurt you with his quirk, at all. you had absolutely no reason to be afraid of him.

"you said you loved me." he blurted out, making you halt and spin around, flustered.

"did that burnt piece of shit run his mouth?" you cursed, running your hand along your sides. "i'll murder him."

he was surprised to feel butterflies in his stomach. "so it's true then."

you rolled your eyes, sitting on a stool. "yeah, why does it matter?"

he blinked. he didn't expect that response. what was he supposed to say now? "you said i was..."

"sweet." you finished, knowing what he was referring to. looking at him with unwavering eyes, he shrunk under you for the first time.

"why are you making this so hard," he whined. you barked out a mocking laugh.

"me? i'm the one making this hard?" you scoffed. "okay, shigaraki, whatever helps you sleep at night."

he didn't even bother biting his tongue. "you help me sleep at night," he confessed, hoping you'd forget about everything. he took back everything he said, he didn't mean it at all. didn't you understand? can't you just go back to the way you were before?

you only grew more frustrated at his words, standing up abruptly. "i think you're overstepping, shigaraki. this is hardly professional. or did you forget your own argument?"

shigaraki drew in a shaky breath. "i didn't mean any of it."

"i find that hard to believe." you said softly, his mocking laughter and hurtful words ringing in your mind again. and, even softer, "you were really mean."

he started to get angry. "and that's why i'm—" he paused, realized he hasn't said the word in a while, feeling foreign in his mouth. "...sorry."

you glanced at him and he could see the doubt and hurt swirling in your eyes. he sighed, "i still want us. do... you?"

your brows furrowed. "yes, of course. but will you make the effort to reciprocate this time?"

shigaraki grumbled, crossing his arms like a child denied a toy. "it was going fine the way it was."

"oh my fuck, shigaraki." a breathless laugh came from you as you whirled to face him. you shouldn't be surprised — sure, he had matured since the usj attack but he still had some of that bratty and spoiled behavior. when something is working for him, he isn't too keen to change it. "a relationship is a mutual thing, okay? you give, i give and that's how it works."

"i don't understand why you'd ask something like that of me." he didn't see the point of you getting love from him— his touch wasn't as nice as yours.

"well, why would you ask that of me, then?"

his lips stayed sealed once again, rephrasing what he said. "i mean... i don't understand why you'd want me of all people to reciprocate."

you blinked at him, realizing what he was getting at. "is that why you've been holding back on me? because you don't think i want you to touch me?"

now that he heard it out loud, he realized the flaws. he looked down at his feet. 

you sighed, adjusting your towel. "i think i've made it painfully obvious. everyone knows it except for you, apparently. but for good measure, yes, i want you to give back to me. in whatever form of affection you know." you shuffled awkwardly. "well, do with that what you wish, but seeing that we're 'professionals' now, i'll be going. see you tomorrow, boss."

shigaraki clenched his fists to the point where blood was drawn as he watched you waltz away to your room like he did last night, leaving him feeling empty and confused.

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