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"do not stray too far from the market, you hear?" shigaraki demanded and you nodded. 

"yes, yes, you've said that ten times already." you rolled your eyes and shaking your head. he returned the gesture and cracked his knuckles, his artist gloves hugging his slender fingers snugly. "i'm not a child."

"you act like one sometimes." he retorted and you glared at him, saying, "but you love it."

"i do not." he shot back, a little too quickly.

your lips twitched up in a smile, snickering. "you act as if you haven't asked me to bed two two times already. you can't lie about these things." 

he growled and looked away, every comeback not seeming good enough to fire your way. "yeah, yeah, just do your little housewife stuff and get your ass back to base." he parted ways, slinking down an alley to make his way to the rooftop. you shook your head again before rolling your shoulders, delving into the marketplace.

aromas and spices filled the air and for a second you forgot that you were in a group of dangerous villains. people smiled at you warmly, helping you to whatever ingredient and whatnot you desired. you had money in reserve and things at this towns' market weren't that expensive either, so it was a big score.

"hello, sir," you greeted the stall owner. his booth had lots of spices and if you wanted to give your dish flavor, these seasonings were the way to go. "may i have some of that?" you pointed down to the container with a power that had the color of the richest soil. 

the man's eyes creased happily and prepared to box it up for you when you heard some fiasco going on behind you.

"you're basically asking for it," the guy said, looking up and down her outfit. the young girl almost gagged and tried to get away.

"no." she said but it was drowned by the chatter of the crowd. you stormed over and pushed the horny fuckface back away from you, getting in between the two. "she said no, asshole, get some hearing aids."

he narrowed his eyes. "this doesn't concern you."

"doesn't fucking matter, once you bring out your pervert in a public area, it's everyone's business."

he scoffed and scratched his stomach. "you watch your mouth missy."

"you watch yours before i knock you on your ass." you shot back. "get the fuck away from her and shove your dick up your own hole. man-whore."

he seethed in anger and raised his hands to hit you before he was dragged off by someone in the crowd. you blinked, not knowing where he went but shrugged, hoping he'd get what was coming for him. you turned to the girl.

"are you alright?" you said softly and she nodded, hugging you before continuing her jog. you waved as she left, picking up your basket and decided to head back home.

you met up with shigaraki not too far from the bustle. you showed him your basket. "look, i got everything!"

he hummed, his eyes sifting through all the stuff you got and you could hear his stomach growl. "where'd you even get the money?"

"i have some savings." you replied as you two walked back to the base. "you know, the craziest thing happened..." you explained the whole thing with the pervert and how you stepped in before he mysteriously got dragged off.

"yeah, i know, i saw." he ran his fingers over his neck. you blinked at him. "anyways, the guy's dead now."

you choked on air. "wHAt?"

"he's dead."

"you killed him? that was you?"

"who else would it be dipshit?" he responded, annoyed. you gaped at him. "he looked like he was going to hit you." he rolled his eyes. "why's it such a big deal?"

you padded alongside him, still in shock. "you killed someone... for me??"

"yes, what is wrong with you?! don't make it into something weird." he yelled back, facing you only to realize you had a wide grin on your face.

"thank you." you smiled at him and he scrunched up his face, since the notion of someone being grateful to him was foreign to him. you didn't know whether the fact that he killed someone for you was romantic or concerning, but the league's psychoticness was rubbing off on you.

"you're insane." he said half-amused by your reaction. you brushed your cheek against his shoulder.

"i'd give you a hug, but my hands are full at the moment-"

"you've been overstepping." he warned you, referring to the label of coworkers with benefits. you frowned.

"oh, how silly of me. what was the order, again? 'just touch me'? do you remember?" you looked at him, all humor drained from your face. the question was asked before you could restrain yourself and you couldn't help thinking that you'd been digging a grave these past few encounters... "is this a 'whenever-i'm-in-the-mood' and an one-sided type of thing?"

shigaraki couldn't refute against you. 

"sorry, boss, i'm afraid i've just been following your instructions. so if you're unhappy with anything," you gave him a no-nonsense look from under your lashes, making him lick his lips and narrow his eyes at you. "it's on you."

here was your attitude. he secretly loved it. but he loved when you were being sweet with him even more. 

but he refused to venture there, where he was constantly vulnerable to a person who would just never judge and shower him with love. was that even possible for him anymore? just look at him; he's ugly and beaten up because of the life he's had, and he's a murderer and a known villain. you couldn't want that. you shouldn't want that. and he didn't want to explore the possibility. 

he didn't need you.

this fucking dumbass. you thought as you two now walked apart from each other. 

no words were exchanged as he locked himself up in his room and you started to prepare the food.

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