ℂ𝕙-𝟙: The Monster & The Author

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Inside of an old dilapidated warehouse and junkyard, Mystery Inc. were now currently investigating the mystery of what was called 'The Monster Car'; a wrecked and scrapped 1958 Plymouth Fury, who is supposedly possessed by some kind of demon, and it haunted the roads that intersected around the junkyard. However, the gang has their suspicions about this 'ghost', and were ready to spring the trap.

Braedey Martin, along with Scooby-Doo, were both running through the empty warehouse, hoping to hide from the demon in possession of the Monster Car. The two now hid next to a shipping container, hiding from view of the car.

"I think we lost it." Braedey whispered to Scooby, who nodded frantically back to him. "Okay. Remember the plan: we run over to the magnet crane, luring the Monster Car there, and then, once the car is picked up off the ground, we'll find out who's responsible for the haunting of the roads, and we can go home after."

"Rokay." Scooby nodded quietly.

But then, the two now fell silent, as the sound of a low growling engine could be heard. The two hid from view, as they heard the sound of the car getting closer to the warehouse. Scooby, thinking fast, now placed a paw over Braedey's mouth, so his breathing won't be heard, and the brunette looked over to the Great Dane in confusion. Then, they both froze, as they heard the car's tyres slowly crunching onto the concrete, like menacing footsteps.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" A demonic voice echoed out, almost like it's trying to mock the two friends hiding. "COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE."

Braedey felt like he was gonna scream out in fear, but he sucked it all up, as he heard the sound of the old Monster Car's engine almost a few feet away from where they were hiding. He didn't dare move a muscle, and nor did Scooby. Then, after 30 long agonising and stressful seconds for the two friends, they heard the sound of the car's brakes releasing and the car now rolling away. As the two carefully looked from behind the container, they saw the car had disappeared. Nothing was there.

"Phew. That was close." Braedey sighed to himself, and he looked to Scooby. "Nice. Come on, Scooby. We have to hurry." He said, and Scooby nodded in agreement.

But then, the demonic and evil revving sounded off right behind them, and they both turned towards the exit to see the Monster Car sitting there, it's one headlight shining right at them!

"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME!!!" The Monster Car roared out to them, its rear tyres squealing, as it then burned rubber, with fire erupting from its exhaust, and it began to accelerate towards them

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"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME!!!" The Monster Car roared out to them, its rear tyres squealing, as it then burned rubber, with fire erupting from its exhaust, and it began to accelerate towards them. "TIME TO SEND YOU DOWN WITH ME!"

"RUN, SCOOBY!" Braedey screamed, and both he and Scooby sprinted out of the warehouse's other exit as fast as they could. As they do so, they saw the Monster Car was right on their tail.

Braedey Martin & Scooby-Doo: The Witch's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now