chapter 6

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-sasukes POV-

It was around 30 minutes after I had told sakura off and brought ino with me, I had dropped her off at the yamanaka clan homes. Then I walked to the gates I saw Izumo and Kotetsu playing cards while looking up at the gate every once in a while, soon they noticed me. "Hey, sasuke, what's up?"
I felt a smile slowly form on my face. "Nothing much what about you two"
"Not much me and kotetsu have been waiting for everyone to get back and playing cards that's all"
I gave a small smile than continued, the woods outside the gates are my favorite places to explore when I have had a bad day, the trees slowly moved along with the small breeze while little animals such as rabbits and squirrels skippered around the ground searching for food and places to hide.
I walked over to my favorite oak tree and sat down and started to take a small nap.

              🌟time skip🌟

The animals were restless around me, I slowly opened my eyes and heard talking. "This wouldn't have happened if you got sleep, sochi"
"Well me and. . . Someone had to talk"
"Sochi, you mean you wanted to talk"
I got to my feet and grabbed 3 of my kunai and crept towards the voices, once I hot there I saw a boy around my age with his hood up walking towards my direction, 3. .2. . 1. NOW!
I lunged and hit my target right on point I quickly grabbed my kunai and placed it to the kids neck. Soon I dragged him up pressing my kunai deeper into his neck soon a little trickle of blood sprouted. (P.S sasuke has this mask on she put it on when she saw the "strangers" 

If you cant see the pic it's a white, pink and purple mask with white tassels on the side/bottom area)

Soon 3 masked figures came out to and started nodding, the girl came straight in front of me and tried to trip me but I sidestep but what I didn't know was I side stepped right into the masked figure with dark black hair while a figure with gravity defiying silver hair grabbed the boy while the other male reached and yanked my arm, I fell backwards onto the male and rolled down a hill landing at the feet of two people. I looked up and noticed one of the people had red hair that was floating above her head while the other had a three pronged kunai in his hand and his yellow bangs covered his eyes.
"Who are you!?" The woman asked I felt a cold shiver go down my back.
"No the question is who are you and why are you in konaha territory!"
The man lightly chuckled and said in a quite scary voice "what kind of hokage wouldn't be able to enter his home land?"
"Wait. . MINATO!" as soon as he said that I whipped my head up and my mask fell down, I saw the lady look at me and pull me into a hug
"Omg! Sasuke! How are you dear?! It's me kushina!"
I looked at her face and finally recognized her.
"So wait were is naruto?"
Soon the girl who attacked me came and took off her mask I noticed it was rin noahara she always hung out with us when she wasn't busy.
"Well sasuke you know the boy you kinda attacked?"
"Yeah so?"
"That was naruto"

(A/N: hi guys sorry for not updating in a while I had little to no inspection for this book and might not update for a while bit anyways I wanted to say thank you all for reading this and have a good day/night)

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