Visiting sorrow/the PD plan

Start from the beginning

soon they head home...and Izuku brings a sleeping Eri to his dorm 
Momo: "your going there" she said 
Izuku: "yes...Jackie and V are all set and ready to go" 
Momo: "let me come" 
Izuku: " could be a trap here...this is out of speculation...but if it is a hideout..i'll let you the meantime...the heroes and the twats are going to raid the Yakuza hideout...make sure you keep your eyes open" and she nods 
Izuku: "because the leader...wants her back" 
Momo: "over my dead body" 
Izuku: "'ll have backup here with you" 
Momo: "huh?" and soon the door opens 
Jirou: "waiting for you to announce my intro" 
Momo: "Jirou" 
Jirou: "hey they want the kid they have to go through us...seeing as we have some big shots trying to kill us...we'll make it a fight for them" 
Izuku: "alright then...wish me luck" and he heads out 
Momo was still concern
Jirou: "i know...but hey...he's going to up his count so it should be good" 
Momo: "i know...but i can't help but worry for him" 

Jackie: "the Mano of the hour" leaning against the car 
Izuku: "is V set?" 
Jackie: "like a scav ready to get fuck" 
Izuku: "alright let's be on then" and they head Izuku drives towards the police headquarters there is a small construction sight that has a lookout for them to be at 
Izuku: "so anything from Misty?" 
Jackie: "she's just worried...when she found out about our hidden puta she was scared for us...Vic too" 
Izuku: "how did Mama welles take it?" 
Jackie: "eh...she could only say that your trying to finish what your father tried to do a long time ago...but she also said your reckless like him" 
AFO: "couldn't agree any more" 
Izuku: "pssh maybe your right" 
Jackie: "well we are" and he turns into the construction sight and V was waiting there with Pizza and a few drinks 
V: "took you long enough" 
Izuku: "he was driving" 
Jackie: "bah bullshit" soon they head up...through the stairs off course...they don't want to attract noise and of course the sensors and cameras are disabled so they're in the dark now 
Jackie: "*Sigh* never thought pizza here would be this shitty " throwing it at the wall 
V: "oh stop whining it's literally the only pizza place in the whole fucking city" 
Izuku: "i know that the number one thing you should never do buy American foods...and yes that means burgers" 
Jackie: "ay el hijo de putas know nothing" 
V: "you know you can just make it" 
Jackie: "no...the meat here would taste different...doesn't have that NIghtcity pizzazz we're looking for" 
V: "really...all that for a taste?!" 
Izuku: "i agree" 
V: "not you two" soon another noise was heard and of course 
Stain: "your finally here" 
Izuku: "guys this is the hero killer Stain" and he glances at the two who also did the same...they both nodded
V: "he's the hero killer...hmph...what a fuck boy" crossing her arms 
Jackie goes up to him and holds his hand out: "Holla Amigo" smiling 
Stain was confused for the moment...they are from Nightcity so he just shook it 
soon Izuku debrief him on what they're doing and what the plan is...of course he was pissed knowing how far this shit he obliges knowing how fragile of a situation this mistake there chances of finding the headmaster is gone
soon they just sit there and talk...well Stain had to have help with Izuku translating what they say...yes a few ups and downs but Stain learned to respect them when he learned they were mercenaries since they were twelve and had to do whatever it takes to survive...and of course wanting to be a legend in nighticity
V and Jackie dozed off for a bit as Izuku kept watch along with Stain 
Stain: "so the girl...who is she to you" referring to Momo 
Izuku: "someone i can rely on...and fuck" 
Stain: "can see Firedrake was your father" 
Izuku: "yeah" 
Stain: "i met him one time...he saved someone important to me from getting my head...him along with Omega are the true heroes throughout the century" 
Izuku: "Omega...who came for a year and just deltas the fuck out for god knows what...maybe something important or whatever...she did more for the world could count on for years to come" 

8 hours later 

soon the clock reads about 5 pm and Izuku throws a pizza on Jackie and V waking them up 
V: "the fuck" 
Jackie: "piece of shit pizza smells bad" 
Izuku: "quit's time" and they get up to see the police cars departing as the sirens blare and echo throughout the city also the swat goes out as well soon more heroes and even big shots are going towards the hideout as well...seems they are a big threat
Izuku: "helmets on" and of course Stain was provided his own gear...that they stole from a Shield transport convoy 
Izuku: "testing" 
V: "hear ya" 
Jackie: "uh can't hear anything...Mano say something" 
Izuku: "it is alright for a child to be afraid of the dark...but bad when an adult is afraid of the light" 
Jackie: "yeah i heard you with the quote you pulled out your ass" 
stain: "i hear you kid" 
Izuku: "alright then...they seem to only have few to none in the headquarters...but the makers i know they have a lot of be aware" and they nod 
Izuku then takes out his O'Five 
Jackie: "loco Mano...the hell is that?" 
V: "holy shit dude" 
Izuku: "alright...this should hold enough power to blast a damn hole in the wall" and he aims it 
Izuku: "alright plan initiates in!" 

Izumi waits outside of the hideout...of course Izuku was told to protect Eri from harm since the leader is heard to have a vendetta with him...either way he's going down along with his hidden quirk erasing bullet production they have going on there...
NIghteye: "alright everyone...just follow as plan...and be sure to keep your guard up" and the students nodded and they wait as the police goes up to the door 
"POLICE DEPARTMENT OPEN UP!!!" he yells out 
"WE HAVE A WARRANT OPEN UP!!!" again no response
"TEAR IT DOW---!" before he could finish the doors burst open as a large blast causes the two to be killed in the rubble and Izumi then uses her quirk to get the others out of the way...a man with a strength quirk is in the front 
"well then...glad it's not Jehovah witness they annoyed the fuck out of us...time for some fun!" and he charges at them...and of course Fatgum is the first to attack as Izumi helps out along with Kirishima to get the officers out...and they they managed to take the man down he was shot in the head to be neutralized 
Izumi: "okay...lets go!" and they followed the heroes capture Overhaul...before anything else happens....but of course...what fun would it be if nothing goes right for the heroes?

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