Left without nothing

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You were my strength
My weakness as well
My saviour when i was drowning
From all of the pain this world gave
My light in the dark
My anchor as I sail, my wings as i fly
Reaching up my dreams
You were the center of my life, my everything

But then you left
Crush every little hope in me
Broke my wings
Drown the ship
You give me twice the pain
As Nyx fill my world
I have nothing to hold
No more light to see

It was like Nyx and Erebus collide
And Thanatos was born
You left me without nothing to grasp
You were my everything
I give you all i have
The very reason why i live
And now that you're gone
I am left without nothing

*NOTE: in Greek mythology Nyx is the goddess of the night
Erebus was the god of chaos
And Thanatos the offspring of Nyx and Erebus was the god of death.
I used those terms for Nyx literally means night or darkness, Erebus means chaos and Thanatos literally means death.

FEELINGS WRITTEN, NOT SPOKEN Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora