The lying which and a warden Part 2

Start from the beginning

Y/N held onto the opening while Luz held his legs, Scare held her legs, and King held Scares feet.

Y/N crawled in and pulled the other three in. Luz fell on Y/N's back. "Ha. Cats don't do that." King said as he hoped on Luz's back and then to the ground. Y/N blushed.

Y/N immediately got up and dusted himself off. "Alright, let's go." Y/N said as he started walking away and tried to find wherever Kings crown was. Luz, King, and Scare followed behind. Y/N put on a eyepatch on his (Left/Right) eye. "What's with the eyepatch?" Luz asked as she noticed Y/N put the eye patch on. "Because eye patches are cool." Y/N said.

Once they walked in, they saw row after row after row of cells. All of them were filled up. "You never really see a empty cell anymore." Scare said as he looked around. King had hopped on to Luz's back.

"Sure it's big enough, but look at the location." Y/N joked as he looked around the cell. Scare snorted at the joke. Luz couldn't help but laugh at the joke.

"Hey cat lady, eye patch, straw face. How'd you escape your cells?" A girl in a cell close by asked. She is a slender girl with pointy ears, dark skin, black hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes and notorious fangs. She wears a purple dress which bares her shoulders and covers all of her upper arms and about half her forearms. She has a gold band around her neck.

"Oh, I'm not a cat. Also I'm not a criminal." Luz said as she lowered her hoodie. "Not yet your not." King stated.

"Neither are we. Stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in. Like, I write fanfics on food falling in love. I like food, I like love. Just let me write about it!" She ranted on as she showed them a book that she had written herself.

"I'm here because I like eating my own eyes." Another prisoner said. He was large, kinda chubby, had two pointy ears, and a purple tongue. His head was covered with a few empty eye sockets. He somehow removed one of his own eyes and ate it, and it somehow reappeared in it's original place.

"Dude. That's not a weirdo thing. That sounds more like a you got issues thing." Scare said. "Scare!" Luz whisper shouted as she scolded him. "What? That dude obviously has problems. He should probably go get professional help." Scare said.

"We are agents of free expression! They will never silence us!" A small, well, what only could be described as a head with tiny arms a legs with orange hair said.

"Ya. She's really big into conspiracy theories." The fanfic girl said.

"The world is a simulation! We are playthings for a higher being!" Tiny head ranted on.

As Luz heard about all of them and their interest's, a realization came over her. "Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong." Luz said and pulled out the wanted poster.

"Your all just a bunch of weirdos, like me." Luz said as she looked at the poster.

"Well Luz, it's sad but it's true. Just because someone prefers to do things differently it automatically means that person is a problem. But what they fail to realize is that there isn't a problem with being different. We are all different, and that's beautiful. You shouldn't even afraid to be different, be afraid to be the same." Y/N said. "Unless your different because you prefer incest or adult x child, in that case you should be skinned alive, beaten with a hot iron, and force fed live spiders. But I'm getting off topic." Y/N said as everyone looked at him disturbed.

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