Soccerella Part 2

461 11 3

Pairing: Big Bo x Kalina P.2

>>>>>>>Kalina's POV >>>>>>>

[Next Day...]

"Yawn~. Man, I had the longest sleep of my life."

Still in one of Big-Bo's guest rooms, I slink out of bed. The time on the clock was 12:37 p.m.


"Kalina~ are you up yet?"

"Come in, Aliza."

I stand near the closet as she opens the door.

"Albert has lunch ready."

"In my case, it's brunch. I'll be right down."


Few minutes later, I get dressed and head out.


But not before I look under the bed. That's where I keep my disguise in a sports bag, where no one can see it. After that, I head downstairs to join everyone. Well, except for Bo; he's still at the Secret Training Compound.

"Mm~ Albert this is delicious."

"Thank you, Kalina."

"I still can't believe we pulled it off."

"Yeah, and no one knew anything."

"Well, I guess I have my fairies to thank for that."

I smile at the kids and Albert.


"Oh, sorry." I pick up my phone.


[Afternoon, Kalina.]

"Oh, hey Prof. How's it going with the team?"

[Remarkable, actually. I came to the STC early when I saw packages outside the facility, labeled with every parts I needed to repair the Soccer Launcher 3000.]

"That's great. And you fixed it?"

[I worked nonstop. I was too enthusiastic to leave the lab. It's a miracle!]

"I'm happy for you, Prof."

[I am, thanks to you.]

"What makes you think I did all that," I laugh, "I was here at Big-Bo's, remember..."

[Even with inefficient evidence at the moment, I'll stay true to my theory.]

"If you say so, Prof. Tell the guys I said hi, okay?"

[Can do. See you tomorrow.]


"I'm gonna miss hanging out with you. I had so much fun."

"Aw, thanks Kade. I had fun hanging out with you, too."

"It's too bad we have to leave. I wanted to see the look on uncle's face when we told him who Iron Flower is."

"Hey, you and your brother promised not to say a word."

"But why?"

"I only did this so Supa Strikas won't have to worry or lose focus on their goal. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are."

"So, you don't want to tell Uncle Bo?"

"I'd rather not."

"But don't you like him?"

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