
777 14 4

Pairing: Bones Jones x Kalina

[Feratuvia 6 p.m.]


"Hey, Franklyn, can you hand me that book above you?"



"Hey, move over."

"Then stop shoving your elbow into my arm."

In the library with me are my teammates: Vladimir Savich, Rip Staples, Franklyn Stein, Sloan Wolff, and Scully Molder. Right now, Rip is getting into my personal space, again.

"Enough you two," Vlad orders, "why do you always need a reason to fight each other?"

"Ask him. He's the one acting like a foul beast."

"Only because you act like a pampered child, you mummified rag."

I growl as Rip headbutts me.


"Come in," Vlad hollers.

When the door opens, I see our coach, Belmont.

"I apologize for the delay, boys, but dinner is now ready."

"I'm famished/Great."

"Hm?...Are you coming, Jones?"

"I'm going to freshen up first, Sloan."

I walk into the hall that leads upstairs. Turning the corner, I stroll down to the other end where my room is, near a window.


Just then, I hear something, or someone, fall in the room across mine.

' one should be in there.'

I go over and knock three times.

"Hello...? Is someone there?"

Putting my ear to the door, I hear faint sounds of whimpering. Luckily, the door was unlocked. Entering, I see a young woman on the floor, her arm propped on the edge of the bed. What I saw on her shocked me. Bandages around her arms and legs that could match Rip's stage makeup.

"Are you alright? Let me help you."

"I-I'm okay. I just slipped on—ah!"

I dive in to catch her. Upon closer look, she had lovely tan skin, hair black as a raven's feathers, and eyes as attractive as a cat's.

"Uh...thank you."

"'re welcome." I hold onto her hands as she finds her balance.

"Who are you?"

"Uh, sorry...I'm Kalina Mokena. You might know my cousin, Shakes, from Supa Strikas."

"I did not know he had a cousin. I'm Bones Jones, one of the Grimm players."

"Nice to meet you. Belmont said I could rest here...I just woke up."

"But why are you here?"



I blankly stare at her holding her stomach.

"Ah, must be hungry. Let me take you to the dining room."

Supa Strikas AU: Beyond the Playing FieldWhere stories live. Discover now