If You Could Just Not? For 2 Seconds? Thanx

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Tommy woke up to the sound of a familiar groan and soft clinking which was then preceded by the release of a string and suddenly a sharp arrow was lodged into the ground beside him.
Next time, it wouldn't miss.

Tommy let out a soft shriek scrambled away, into the water.
He ran to a spot that settled behind a large lavafall.

The heat licked at his skin but he forced the discomfort down. He was too scared to care about the heat. Through the occasional openings in the lava, which were refilled quickly, he could see the thing that had shot at him. It looked like a man who had decomposed so much he no longer had any skin or much muscle. He was just the skeleton of a person.

A Skeleton, if you will.

Tommy felt as if he was about to throw up. He left all his stuff back at where he had been resting. Even if he wanted to he had no way to fight back.
Not even with an almost broken, sh*tty pickaxe.

The clicking continued as the skinless monster moved about with the rotting one not too far behind.
Though, hadn't he killed the Zombie?

What was he going to do?! What was he supposed to do?!
Tommy eyed his tiny hidy-hole. They might, if they tried, be able to get back here....

Finally, his eyes landed on an extremely sharp rock that was slightly dislodged.
Tommy grabbed it and pulled.

After a few tries, it came loose. Mind you, he was using only 1 hand for it because of his book.

He grinned and looked back at his preditors.
Time to make Techno proud.

He watched cautiously. When the 2 undead b*tches got close to the lava that when he rushed out.

The zombie let out a groan, seeing him. The skeleton turned to where his partner had pointed him out.

While Tommy charged the skeleton drew his bow n' arrow back. The zombie moved to attack him.
And all at once, the Skeleton let go of his arrow, letting it whip through the air.

It hit the zombie, piercing through its deteriorating skull and killing it almost immediately. Tommy disregarded the lump of flesh that now groaned in non-existent pain.

The skeleton prepared his next arrow raising it to line it up with Tommy.

He didn't get the chance to let go.

Tommy lodged the sharp rock through its surprisingly delicate skull. It cracked beneath his hands and caved into itself.
Tommy was so grateful it had no innards, or that would be so gross.

Tommy let the rock, and therefore the skeleton, drop into the lava below before rushing back to his things. He scooped his things up making sure his book wasn't damaged.
It had a slight scratch in a black vine by an arrow but that was about it.

What the heck was he supposed to do?!
Suddenly Tommy's breath caught.

He was alone, and his sickness had completely been forgotten about, though it still lingered with his stuffy nose and at the back of his throat.

There was a trick, a pretty old one, where you could channel something that helped you make things easier. He really hoped it was a real thing.

But he needed wood. He knew he needed wood.
Where was he going to get wood?

He couldn't exactly go up anymore, he had no way to.
So he looked cautiously around.
Is there a way he could acquire wood down here?

Suddenly there was a soft squishy sound and a few logs of wood clattered to the ground around him he yelped and stared at them.
Slowly his eyes turned up to where they had come from.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now