Niki, Get Dad!

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Niki woke up to a thud of something slamming into the closed glass door.
She sat up, waking herself up as quickly as she could, peering into the room where Tommy had been sleeping.

On the other side of the glass sat Tommy rubbing his forehead and glaring up at the glass door in confusion and betrayal.
She couldn't help the light giggle that escaped her.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked with a soft yawn.
"How the f*ck do I get over there?" Tommy asked groggily.
"Open the door, Tommy," Niki responded, which earned a soft snicker from Jack.

"What door? Why the f*ck are you behind a wall of solid air?!" Tommy whined reaching out and knocking on the glass.
"Soli- oh my g*d, do you not know what glass is?!" Jack laughed.
"What? Of course, I know what glass is dish*t! How do you know what glass is?! Hmmm?" Tommy scoffed pouting.

Niki chuckled, smiling at her little brother. When had she started thinking of him as a little brother? Most likely after she started reversing to Jack as her older brother. (Irony considering he's younger.)

"Mostly rumors, oh, and you b*tches," Jack continued to laugh through his answer.
Niki shook her head before her eyes focused on something dark behind the teenager.
Through the rain, the darkness of the night, and the darkness of the room she couldn't tell what it was.
Probably just a lamp.

Though she doesn't remember there being a lamp there....

"Tommy...." Niki began.
"What's up Nikers?" Tommy joked with a grin, now more awake and beginning to stand.
"Tommy, no! That doesn't sound right, don't say that!" Jack scolded the innocent 14-year-old.
"Why not?" Tommy scoffed.
"Cause it sounds like knickers!" Jack replied.
"I have no clue what that is..."
"Tommy, what's that behind you?" Niki asked, cutting the boys off.

Everything went silent.
Tommy slowly turned around to see what she was talking about.

More silence.
No more movements.

Then, suddenly, there was no more silence.
Instead, it was an ear-piercing scream that echoed between the door muffling it and the link. Or whatever the f*ck it is.

Arms grabbed the tween and tanked him to the door. Multiple joined in to pull him.
Niki grabbed the door handle and yanked, pulled, pushed, twisted, anyway she possibly could but she couldn't get it open.

"TOMMY?! NIKI?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Jack screamed.

"TOMMY!" Niki screamed yanking as he was pulled closer to the door of the hotel room.
He slammed his head against the head of one of his assaulters and kicked the second one in the crotch.

He ran back inside and quickly unlocked the balcony door.
4 whole seconds of his back to the assailants and Niki's hands off the handle for him to unlock it.

4 whole seconds of the assailants regaining themselves and rushing to grab the teenager.

10 more whole seconds of Niki slamming the door open.

10 more whole seconds that the men were able to grab her little brother and run out, keeping his feet off the ground so he couldn't drag.

15 more whole seconds of Niki running to the door to chase after them.

15 more whole seconds they had to run down the hallway.

15 more whole seconds of no proper oxygen for the Merling.


3 seconds faster and Niki would have been able to get to the elevator.

3 seconds faster and they wouldn't still have her youngest brother.

3 seconds faster and the doors wouldn't have closed, locking her out.

3 fewer seconds of having air for the Merling.

Instead, she turned to the stairs. She threw the door open and ran as fast as she could, with as little air as she had, to the bottom, trying to catch the perps who had her brother.
Their Tommy.

5 seconds faster and she would have come out before the elevator.

5 seconds faster and she would have trapped the idiots who took him.

5 seconds faster and she would've had Tommy in all his annoying glory back at her side.

5 seconds faster and maybe she would've had more air.

"NIKI! NIKI!" Tommy screamed
"Tommy!" She cried, she couldn't scream after him.

Her face was red going on blue.


A thud rang out through the bond. Ear peircing.






Soft sobbing fills your ears.

"Please guys, I can't lose you too.
I can't lose this family too!"

And they don't sound like they'll stop.


On a more fun note!

Elytrians and Avians, when they aren't paying attention, in a rush, dazed, or sleepy will be unable to see glass due to its reflection. As a result of this, they often slam right into large glass windows, glass doors, and greenhouses.
And because most of them are stubborn as all heck they will often give the glass a look of disgust, betrayal, confusion, or all of the above.
There is a reason they prefer nests with the protection of the trees compared to houses with windows.

They can't be trusted!


When Wilbur wants a hug instead of asking for a hug he'll instead become tangible before declaring, "I really hope that no one wants a hug today! Because I'm not in the mood! I'd absolutely loath it! I will not be giving out any hugs today, at all!"

And because of their stubbornness and need to make him miserable (although it may be because they can see straight through him, pun intended, and know what he wants) Tommy and Techno will sneak up on him and attack him with hugs.

Techno would sneak attack him making him yell out in surprise if he doesn't notice(which is about 70% of the time).
And Tommy will slowly inch closer asking questions inconspicuously like "really? You'd hate it that much?" And "you sure you don't want any hugs?" Once he gets his confirmation he'll strike with a large tackle hug that results in him puffing up from the excitement and the jump and them both on the floor.

Occasionally they'll both attack which creates what Phil has dubbed the "Stubborn Sandwich".

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