Chapter 4 - The Final Battle

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Sans? POV

"s...sans...SANS! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BONES" Paps was trying to wake me up.

"I'am awake! Oh...Hey bro, is the human coming?" 

"Yes, the human is about to get here and you was SLEEPING!" He was a little angry at my antics. I was feeling a bit guilty.

"Sorry bro. Asgore gave me quite the beating, i felt tired." He tried giving a sigh, but he didn't manage to do it since he was a ghost.

"It's okay brother, just get ready for human. After it, you can rest as much as you want." I nodded at him. He was a good ghost. 

"Alright. Just one thing, i want to go first against the human, after it you can join the battle, is that okay for you bro?" 

"Of course brother"

Just as he finished speaking we both heard the sounds of steps coming from the other side of the hall. I got into my usual position and waited for the human to save and come face me. The hall was different from the previous runs. Before it was a golden hall filled with light, now it was a dark and blue hall with almost no sign of light. My eyes fixed on the figure aproaching me.

"Sans? Oh Sans it really is you! Look at how much you've grow, i almost didn't recognize you!" The human gave me a twisted smile while saying that, speaking as if we were old friends. I felt disgusted by that. "It seems you finnaly decided to take a change by your on hands! I was getting bored of killing you so easily, but look at you now! Full of LV, and definily way stronger than before! I like your new visual, FULL OF DUST! HAHAHA! And i just had to murder you hundreds of times to see you change!" I was getting angry.

"Cut the crap! I did this to finnaly end you! To have some peace at last!" I was getting mad at this kid. 

"You know you can't beat me sansy, i still have more determination than you! I'll just come back and keep making you suffer! But i have to say, i'm impressed. Those traps you made really were a pain, how did you make all of that?"

"You can thank my bro for that, he made those afterall". I said while pointing my arm at him, my bro gave a smile, but the human made a confused face, just to start laughing after.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sans, you bone head! Your brother is DEAD, remember? YOU KILLED HIM! Maybe you completely lost your mind and started seeing things?" I felt enraged at this, how dare she say my brother isn't REAL! I just gave a creep smile and decided to end this conversation.

"Heh, so i've got a question for you. Do you think even the best person can change? That anyone can be driven insane, pushed him far enough? But that's a question i already know the answer, so here's a better one: Do you wanna have a MAD Time? Cause if you don't give up now, you really dont know what's coming next." The human just gave me dark smile and stepped forward.

"Give me your worst SANS!"

"Alright, don't say i didn't try it the easy way." I sighed and closed my eyes."It's a horrible night outside, all monsters are dead, and all that remains is the dust floating around. And in night's like this, murderers, like us, are making eachother suffer... having said that..." My eyes opened fully revealing my disturbing muilticolored eyes."LET'S HAVE A MAD TIME!" I screamed, my eye flickering purple smoke.

The human decided to take the initiative and jumped to slash me, a determination created knife appearing out of nowhere on it's hands, i decided to take the hit anyway. -1 Hp appeared. "Pathetic, can't believe this once was enough to kill me. Oh well... I guess it's my turn then!" The human seemed momentarily shocked at this, i just turned their soul blue and started slaming her at the walls, summoning blasters and shooting everytime she landed, or better, crashed on the walls. I used my blue bones to stop and aim at her with my purple colored bones, one hitting her head and making her reset. She seemed surprised with how easily i had killed her. "Not so funny now, huh?" This made her upset, but decided to defend this time, I just laughed."You haven't seen my new tricks yet, right? Here, let me show you one of them." I gave a mad smile and created a fireball, but this fireball was big, big enough to be three times my size. It was the attack Asgore used against me in his fight. The most surprinsing was the speed of the fireball, reaching the human in a few seconds, making it be burned and die quickly. "Asgore sent his best regards." The human now knew it was useless trying to defend and went for the attack again. I just chuckled and dodged to the side and summoned a many sharp bones under where i was, which impaled the human in return, to finish i summoned a blaster and dusted her. She reapeared again and attacked, i did the same as before, but this time the kid dodged my bone attack, in return i snapped my bone fingers and her soul turned green. She was forced to stop her movements. I invoked many spears from all her sides, surprisily she defended them all pretty well, her movements were quite cordinated, until i started mixing my blasters, pellets, and making some spears slower and others faster. The human had 1Hp remaining, since i wanted to ask it something. 

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