The End Of Something part 2

Start from the beginning

"The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go" Five stated. "He's right. They'll never stop" Diego agreed.

"I'm sorry, since when are you an expert on the Commission?" Five asked him confused.

"Since I got back from there"Diego informed him. "What?" I asked confused. "Yeah, they headhunted me, offered me a job. Full time with benefits which I had to turn down" Diego told us like it was obvious.

"They headhunted you... the village idiot" Five chuckled to himself. "What, am I not allowed to be headhunted?" Diego scoffed while looking at Five in disbelief.

"Diego, honey, sometimes I think Luther is the dumb one-" "Hey!" Luther interrupted me. "But then you open your mouth and I'm like.." I fake gasped and put my hand dramatically by my chest. "Never mind" I shot him a fake smile while Five just chuckled.

"I'm not dumb. So, what, I'm dumb because only the almighty Five need to be in demand?" He asked.

"Diego, you're not Commission material, all right? Got an obstinate nature to ya" Five told him with a sarcastic smile.

"Who did you think it was that figured out Vanya was the one that causes doomsday and stopped it? Me" Diego pointed to himself.

"Hey!" Klaus defended Vanya. "I figured it all out on the Infinite Switchboard" Diego stood face to face with Five.

I walked towards Allison and sat down next to her on the steps of the stairs while looking at the fight going on between Five and Diego.

"You were on the Infinite Switchboard?" Five asked him, not believing anything Diego is saying. "Hell yeah" Diego nodded. "I made that machine my bitch" Diego told him.

"Y'all need to recognize I got shit going on y'all don't even know about" Diego told us. I like this Diego more than 'number two Diego' and 'team zero Diego'.

"Oh, sorry, you've got things going on?" Allison asked with a sarcastic pout. "This isn't helpful" Luther told him sternly, stepping closer to Diego.

"Look, I met the Résistance in their secret lair. All right? I went through orientation and I passed and stopped doomsday" Diego told us.

Vanya huffed and began walking up the stairs while the others kept arguing.

"At least I wasn't busy playing with myself" Diego defended himself. Jesus, I don't even know what they're talking about anymore. "Can you dispense with the dick- measuring for five minutes?" Allison snapped at him.

"Unless you can literally, because Ben and I-" "We don't have time for this. The Feds could be here any minute" Luther interrupted Klaus.

"That's what I've been saying" Allison agreed. "I'm agreeing" Luther nodded to himself. Ofcourse the couple agrees with eachother.

"Okay, calm down, hairy" Five told Luther. "Hey, it's King Kong, and I'm sick of your ass okay?" Luther snapped at him.

"Hey, ape man, calm your ass down. Don't snap at him like that when you look to lame for 'King Kong'" I snapped at Luther. This dude is always acting like he's the important one of all is us.

"Shut up, uncle killer" Luther sneered. "I swear to fuckin god, Luther, I don't give a fuck how hairy and muscular you are, I'll beat your number one ass" I warned as my eyes began glowing a soft red.

"We need to move on, okay?" Luther told all of us, trying not to make eye contact with me as my eyes were back to normal.

"That is more important here. That is our only option" Luther tried to convince us. "We need to box those windows and stay here" Diego told him.

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