"That's not even the half of it," Sairaorg continues from Azazel's thought. "When I had found him it was clear that there had been a struggle. The battle axe that the Sacred Gear was supposed to be had transformed into the golden lion that you see before you. It was at that point was when I decided to make him a member of my household. Since he's an intelligent Longinus and is able to act without a master, his power can be quite unstable. Because of that, he can only fight in matches alongside me."

"Explains a lot," Y/N responds. "Something tells me Rias might be in over her head in this battle, but at the same time, I know that she's improved just as much as I have over these last couple of weeks." The Red Dragon Emperor looks over to his King, taking in her overwhelming crimson aura, one that he had only seen twice before. Rias has just as much to prove in this Rating Game as Y/N does. From the start of this Rating Game, she had seen those closest to her be taken down one after another, with the exception of her Bishops and Y/N. On top of that, when the dice numbers were announced Rias was worth fewer points than even her Queen Akeno. Of course, Akeno was not at all weak, but she still feels that she should be given the respect as the King of her peerage. "Give him hell Rias." The Ruin Princess turns towards Y/N and gives him a smile, her typical blue eyes having been overtaken by her aura and glowing in a shining red color.

Meanwhile, Asia and Gasper face off against the remaining Rook of Bael, Ladora Buné. His body is surrounded by a faint golden aura. His body starts to grow and transforms from the human-like shape that it normally holds. From his back sprouts large wings and from his waist a tail, the rest of his body growing to accommodate the size of his new appendages. The light fades and in front of the two blonde Bishops stands a large brown dragon.

Gasper stands up to face the now transformed dragon who looks down at him with a fear-inducing grimace

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Gasper stands up to face the now transformed dragon who looks down at him with a fear-inducing grimace.

"Try your best little boy, but you'll never be able to take me down." While the booming of Ladora's voice shakes Gasper, but he doesn't let it bother him. While before he would have been quite afraid of standing up against a large dragon such as the one in front of him, after having known Y/N and Vali for as long as he has now, he knows how to stand against a dragon. Asia opens some magic circles around her, and it's clear that she's trained under Rossweisse to harness her offensive abilities.

"You don't scare me," Gasper responds. "I'm not running away anymore. I'm a man of the House of Gremory, and I refuse to back down from the challenge in front of me." Y/N gets a grin on his face and turns back towards Sairaorg.

"Shall we pick up where we left off? Everyone is in play now so we might as well get back to dancing." The two titans start clashing once again, the force of their punches enough to shake the entire arena around them. Even in the open space that they call a battlefield, the pressure of their blows can be felt back where the spectators are watching the matchup, including the Satans in the upper deck with the other VIPs.

"They're really something," Sirzechs says aloud. "It's still strange to think that Y/N has been a devil for less than a year, and through all of it he's accomplished so much. It's hard to believe that if anyone else was in his position they would have achieved everything that he has up to this point. Sairaorg has been waiting for someone who would be able to rival him in power, but as of right now, it appears that it may be the other way around." Everyone looks over at the crimson-haired Satan and he gets a devilish smirk on his face.

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