Chapter Five

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Bayley came home with a smile on her face as she pushed a sleeping Louise into the living room. "Alright?" I asked and she smiled. "Yeah I'm good, talking to Dean and Sasha really put things into perspective but I wanted to talk, do you think I should take the pill tomorrow or not?" I took a deep breath. "No but also yes, I want to have a baby with you but I don't know if another baby is the answer right now, we're only just getting Louise through the sleepless nights and I don't want to rush things with us, you know?" She was pushing Louise back and forward gently as she looked up at me. "I know, I don't even know if I'm ready to put myself through another pregnancy, not after Louises, I almost lost her and then I went into to labour early and I did it all on my own. Me and James rushed into things but I really don't want to do that with you, so I'll take the pill tomorrow and then we can try properly in the future?" A weight was instantly lifted off my chest at that, so I leant forward and I took Bayley's hand in mine. "Yeah and if it doesn't work, we can talk through it together." She grinned at me as I pulled her towards me. "Sasha's pregnant." She whispered and my eyebrows shot up in shock. "Dean doesn't know yet so keep it on the down low, but I can just imagine that he'll be ecstatic." She laid her head on my chest and I just started to massage her scalp, watching as the stress lines on her forehead melted away. "Do you want to go back to bed?" I asked, Bayley didn't respond so I looked down at her and she was already fast asleep, hand clutched in my T-shirt. "I'll take that as a yes."


After Bayley had left, Dean came and joined me at the table. "You alright Sash, you're acting kinda odd?" I stood up from the table. "Just wait there." I had a smirk on my face as I slipped into the bathroom, grabbing my pregnancy test from my makeup bag. "Close your eyes and put your hands out." I called as I stepped out of the bathroom, I walked over to the kitchen table and I carefully placed the pregnancy test in his hand. "Alright you can look." He opened his eyes and I watched how his face lit up when he saw the two lines. "You're pregnant, we're pregnant!" I bent down so he could press a kiss to my lips, it was slow but perfect, I could taste Dean's salty tears but I didn't mind because I knew he was happy. "Baby?" I heard Jacob ask and I turned to him. "Yeah, you're going to have a little brother or sister." Now he was smiling brightly too and I couldn't help but just coo in awe at my perfect little family of four.

The next day...
I sat in my kitchen with the morning after pill in front of me, I woke up early this morning and I went to the pharmacy to pick up one of these. I stand up and I grab a glass from the cupboard, making myself a glass of squash before sitting back down. I take a deep breath through my nose before I pop the pill out of it's foil packaging, it was just one circular drug. I had a sip of my drink before I titled my head back and I quickly took the drug, trying to not gag as it struggled to go down my throat.

Finn walked into the kitchen after I'd managed to take it, I just turned to him and I wrapped my arms around him which he reciprocated, by wrapping his own arms around me. "I just took the morning after pill, now we've just gotta wait two weeks until my period comes to know if it has worked or not." He stroked my back as I just clung onto him. "The two weeks will fly by, try to to think abut it Bayl and let me make you some breakfast." I couldn't argue with that, Finn does know how to cook and it'll probably make me feel better but now in my head I've just started the two week countdown and I know no matter how hard I try it'll be all I'll be able to think about.

Two weeks later...
My hands were sweating as retrieved a few pregnancy tests from the box, me and Finn bought these yesterday and now that I'm two days late, I don't think I can wait any longer. I found myself reading the instructions even though I know how to take a pregnancy test, my legs felt like jelly as I sat down on the toilet. I took a moment before I took the tests, trying not to drop them as I placed it on the counter.

New Dad In Townजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें