Chapter Three

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I woke up with an unusual feeling rushing through my body, I had strong arms wrapped around me with a cologne which I recognised to be Finns. I just felt all warm and happy, god I actually feel happy and not just completely stressed out and exhausted. "Morning..." He mumbled and I moved slightly so I could face him. "So much for not wanting to be together." He shrugged. "I never said I didn't want to be with you, I said I didn't want to fight with you and does this look like fighting to you." He said with an half smug look on his face. "Fair enough." He leant forward to press a kiss to my lips when the baby monitor lit up. "Someone's also awake, I'll go get our daughter." He froze when he said that turning back to look at me with now pink flushed cheeks. "Go go our daughter then." I said with a playful tone in my voice as he rolled his eyes at me, I propped myself up on a cushion as I watched Finn managed to make Louise stop crying as soon as he opened his mouth. "Morning Pancake, for once me and mummy were awake before you." I bit my lip to hold back a smile at his use of a nickname, I'm glad I said he could be Louises new dad because he's perfect for the role.

2 weeks later...

Me and Finn have become a lot more comfortable with each other, now both of us rarely spending a day apart. He's also stepped up and become a proper dad to Louise and it no longer feels odd calling her our daughter, not just my daughter because that's what Louise is to us now, she's mine and Finn's daughter.

We went to Louises appointment together yesterday and everything was alright, her hernia had reduced in size and no surgery was needed. He was great and he held my hand throughout the whole appointment, also he settled Louise after the nurse poked and prodded at her which I just found truly adorable.

I walk downstairs and I see Finn cooking pancakes, while singing some song I've never heard before but I couldn't help but just stand and watch him, our daughter giggling and scaring Finn. "Oh morning!" He said and I laughed. "Morning, I woke up and the bed was empty so I got this one and we came downstairs." He started to serve up the pancakes as I grabbed a jar of baby food out of the cupboard. "Since you've been living here she's really settled down, she sleeping more than five minutes so that means I'm sleeping too and now I can actually consider going back to work." I said with a smile and he nodded. "It's coming up to mixed tag season so if you came back soon we could team?" I nodded, placing Louise down in her high chair. "That would be cool and we'd travel together then so we wouldn't have to worry about Louise as she'd be on the road with us all the time."

There was a knock on the door and I saw a mischievous smile on Finn's face as I went to open the door, I swung it open and I saw Dean and Sasha. "Morning Bayl, eat your breakfast because we've got a busy day today." She stepped into my house, her three year old trailing her as she went over to feed Louise. "What's going on?" I asked Finn and he smiled. "Well I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for a date today?" I smiled at that and the nerves in his face settled. "It would be rude not too." I sat down opposite him and the table. "Don't worry I've prepped Dean and Sasha about everything she needs, plus they're already parents so I trust them with Louise don't you?" He spoke, pancake half shoved into his mouth. "Of course I do, Sasha's my oldest friend and it'll be nice to have sometime just the two of us." He smirked at that and I kicked him under the table. "Not for that you dirty man, just to not have to worry about a screaming baby." I rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed from across the table. "So where are you taking me?" I asked curiously and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's a surprise, Sasha knows the dress code so don't worry." He must be taking me someplace fancy if there's a dress code, I'm not the biggest fan of fancy but I'll go along with it, it's going to be lovely I know that much.

"Right I'll see you later little lady." Finn got up and pressed a kiss to Louises forehead before coming over to me and doing the same. "Bye Finn." I said with a smile and I turned to Sasha after he left. "So are you guys together or what? Because you are certainly smitten! It reminds me of when me and Dean got together, have you had sex yet because new couple sex is the best!" My cheeks flushed pink at all of Sasha's questions. "We aren't together but we might as well be and no we haven't had sex yet, but he's being a great dad to Louise and he giving me all the support I need, god I love~" I stopped myself and Sasha gasped, I can't believe I was about to say those three words and we've only been living together for two weeks, fuck we aren't even together yet. "You were going to say that you loved him then, weren't you? God you've fallen fast but I only think he feels the same, you may not see it but he looks at you with such love in his eyes, you've found your soulmate!" Sasha said clapping her hands and my heart melted when Louise copied her. "She loves him too, probably thinks he's her dad." Sasha spoke with a frown. "He is as good as her dad, he calls her our daughter and every time he does it I think I'm just going to die out of adoration, it's my perfect little family Sasha and I honestly want nothing to come between in it and I can only fear that when she starts to get older her real Dad James is going to waltz back in here and try to muscle into our family." I sighed at the thought of that, I really don't want him to ever come back. I'm happy with my little family. "You are in love, you keep calling Finn your family. You might as well already be married and Louise might as well be his." She said and an idea popped into my head. "What if we made it official? What if you know I ask him to adopt Louise?" Sasha didn't look so sure at that. "Maybe just ask him to be your boyfriend first before you ask him to adopt your daughter." I nodded, realising he'd probably have more chance of actually being able to adopt her if we were together first. "Yeah you're right, I'll ask him tonight." I said as I got up, gathering all of the plates and making my way over to the sink. "I'll just do the dishes and then we can get on with our busy day?"

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