Bonus: My Love for You...

Start from the beginning

"Y-Y/N...?" A tired voice came from behind me.
"Oh- hey Mikasa..."
"What are you doing up at this time...?" She yawned.
"Oh- uhm-"
"You forgot to do the work, right?" She chuckled.

Climbing out of bed, Mikasa came over. She was wearing a very loose shirt, along with a pair of shorts.

I looked down towards the work in disbelief at how much I had left, as Mikasa wrapped her arm round my shoulders from the back.
"Y/N.. you're only on question 48..."

"Y-Y/N... you should get some sleep..."
"I can't..."
She sighed.
"Please don't be so stubborn, Y/N. As humans, we all need rest. It's natural. I don't want you getting eye bags tomorrow,"

Mikasa slid her hands down the front of my shirt from behind. She then brought her face next to my own, as I could feel her breath.
"You need to relax... Y/N..." she said alluringly, in a slightly seductive voice. "Let me... help you relax..."

Lifting her hands up from my shirt, she stood in front of me blocking my view of the desk as she straddled on top of me.

Placing her arms around my neck, Mikasa placed her forehead against my own.
"Y/N... just forget about everything now... it's just you and me. The work can wait..."

Her smooth fingers gently caressed my face, stroking my cheeks gently. She placed both her hands on my cheeks, as she began edging closer towards me. Her beautiful starry eyes were glued onto mine, as the gaze we had felt like none other.

"Maybe... I do need to relax..." I replied.

Tilting her head slightly to the side, she pressed her warm lips against mine, as I let her control my mouth. She started off slow, until began teasing me with her tongue.
Slowly, I opened my lips as she went deeper into the kiss.

Her raven black hair flopped down, while her breathing was slow and controlled. I decided to take it further.

I lifted both of us off the chair, as I grabbed her from underneath the thighs while she had her hands on my cheek. Wrapping her slender legs around my back, I gently pressed her against the wall next to me. Our breathing became faster, then I separated my lips from hers. Once again, our eyes met as I could see feel her sweet breath. I felt a exciting tension between the two of us, as my heart pounded rapidly.

Slowly, I moved downwards towards her neck. and I kissed her deeply on the back of her neck. She let out a soft moan, as I felt her legs tighten round my back.
"Y-You can do it harder... it feels nice..." she quietly panted.

Following her orders, I kissed it harder. Her arms moved towards my back and she softy dug her nails into it. Finally, she let out a gasp of pleasure in which I moved my mouth away from her neck.

I was not finished yet. Pulling Mikasa way from the wall, I lay her back-first on the bed.
"Y/N... keep going ..." she quietly pleaded.
"I was not planning on stopping..." I replied.

Sliding my hands below her waist, I calmly began pulling the shirt off of her. Once her shirt was off I could see her bare chest.
"No staring..." she silently chuckled.

I moved myself down closer to her, then intertwined my fingers with hers. Her arms were spread out beside her, so this time I claimed her mouth. Gently, I leaned myself down on top of her but before doing so I pulled my shirt off. I laid on top of her body, my lips against hers. Her bare chest was pressed up against my own, which felt amazing.

Soon after, she slid her fingers away from mind and flipped me over in the bed. It was now me who was laying on my back and Mikasa was on top of me.
"This feels nicer..." she whispered as she slid her finger down my chest. Pulling it down my chest, my heart raced. She dragged it down and down until she reached a little too far down.
"Oh- someone is excited..." Mikasa smirked cutely.
"How can I not be... your so-"

She interrupted me by melting her lips into mine. Her tongue controlled my mouth and her warm hands were all over my chest. Mikasa separated away from me, then grabbed both of my hands.

There was a long silence as we stopped kissing. With my hands, she brought them closer to her chest.
"I-It's fine... I don't mind..." she smiled. "I trust you..."

She brought my hands to her breasts as she held my hands against them, covering them.
"I don't want you constantly staring at them," she silently giggled with a heavy blush. "You know I don't like it Y/N..."

"Either way, I'm not complaining..."
"Shut up, you dummy," she chuckled, then shut me up with a long kiss.

After we separated to catch our breaths, Mikasa lay her head down on my chest as she slowly panted. Silence once again dominated the room.

"Y-Y/N...?" Mikasa asked, but had a change of tone.
"I know I tell you this a lot..." she began, as she carefully thought what to say next.

"I... I-"
"You can take your time, Mikasa,"
"I just want you to stay with me, Y/N. I want to keep waking up to your handsome face... I want to feel your warmth... I want to feel your lips... I just want us to be together no matter what..."

Knowing Mikasa cared this much about me, made me feel warm inside.
"Mikasa... I will never leave your side. You know that..."

"I just feel like everything will one day turn upside down... that everything will go south..." she said with a slight sadness
"I will do anything it takes to keep us together. I don't think I could continue without you-"

"Don't say that... Y/N. Promise me, that whatever happens to me that you will keep living your life to the fullest. Keep protecting the people you care about. You have one life, Y/N,"

I stayed silent, as I did not reply to her.
"Promise me that, okay?"

I heard Mikasa sigh again.
"Well- tomorrow is a long day of training. Better get some sleep, am I right? I don't want to keep you up any longer... so goodnight my love,"
"Night... I love you,"

Mikasa snuggled into my chest, as I lay there in deep thought. I wondered what she meant about when she said that she felt that 'everything would go south'...?

Who am I kidding... whatever happens I will be by her side. Protecting the one I love...

Perfect Storm: Mikasa x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now