"I'm saying that I can no longer put your happiness over mine, and that I can no longer make you a priority when I'm not yours." Louis stated as his voice cracked from the pain. "Frankly Harry, I don't think it's working anymore. We clearly have very different views on things, and I honestly can't see myself hiding our relationship anymore. I cannot stand anymore PR stunt, anymore lies. So your call Harry, it's either me or Syco."

Harry was shocked at first, as he clearly wasn't expecting this to escalate this quickly. Tomlinson obviously wanted to make a point, hoping that what he said would give his boyfriend the reality check he needed. He just wanted Styles to know that what is happening is serious, and can cause permanent damage to their relationship.

"So you want to break up with me because I'm not ready to be outed?" The one with green eyes asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I want to break up with you because you're lying to me, and because I'm clearly not that important to you anymore."

Harry looked his lover straight in the eye, as an awkward silence filled the room. Louis just stood there, waiting for an answer.

"You know what?" Harry finally spoke, as he showed no emotion whatsoever. "You're right. If you're not feeling it anymore, I can't force you to stay."

Tomlinson's eyes widened, as he could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces. He continued to watch Harry as he just froze, with tears falling down his eyes.

"So, that's it?" Louis stuttered to ask, trying to fight the tears with no luck. "Eight years down the drain, just like this? And for what? For Simon?"

"It's not about Simon-"

"But it is!" He cut him off. "It fucking is! You could have chosen any other management, and I would've been fine with it. But no! You chose Syco and for what?! I can't fucking believe you Harry! You're not a man, a real man keep his promises which you failed to do over and over again, and I'm fucking sick of this shit!"

"I'm sorry." Is all that Harry said, which made Louis laugh sarcastically.

"You're sorry?" He murmured in a much more serious tone. "Actually, no don't be. I'm honestly so fucking glad you did this, you showed me how easy it is for you to let me go, and that's all I fucking needed."

With that, he grabbed his phone and keys that were sat on the counter.

"I'll come pick up all my stuff tomorrow, I'll move back in with my family. Thank you for nothing Harry, and I hope you enjoy your time with Syco. Hope you'll get the career you've always dreamed of, because it seems like it's the only thing that will bring happiness into your life."

They looked at each other one last time, before Louis quickly left the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

And that's when Harry finally exploded. He let his body fall to the ground, as he cried all the tears he had left in his body. He soon got up and jammed a few random things into the wall, sadness turning into anger.

After a few minutes of hysterical crying and trashing his own place, he finally calmed down and grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

Harry: We broke up. It's done.
Simon: Already? That was quick, proud of you!! ;) See you tomorrow on set!

Styles took a deep breath, locking his phone. He then went to the living room, letting himself fall onto the couch.

He was just hoping that he made the right choices.

He was just hoping for Louis to be happy and free.

[End of flashback]

Louis was just lying on his bed, thinking about what Harry told him a few minutes ago.

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