Chapter 13

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Marisol goes to see her bandmates having a picnic together at the beach. She wants to go talk to them, but feels that they don't want to talk to her. Freddie notices her by herself and goes talk to her.

"Marisol, are you OK?"

"I'm fine, Mr. H."

"What's wrong?"

"They don't want to talk to me."


"Because I didn't believe them about Annika."

"Marisol. You need to realize that not everyone in Hollywood is who they are. Some aren't as honest as they claimed."

"After Annika called Manolo stupid, I realize I was also saying that to him as well."

"Marisol. Don't blame yourself. You just trusted the wrong people."

"I know. I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid."

"Maybe I should give up activism and then..."

"Don't know what cause you can fight for."


"If you decide to give up activism, that's your choice, but if you only focus on one cause you care about, it be because you care about someone you love."

Marisol looks at Manolo, and realizes what Freddie is saying.

"Thanks, Mr. H."

Marisol goes to her bandmates and apologizes."

"Guys, I just want to say I'm so..."

"We forgive you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. We figured you would find out soon."

"Guys, you were right about Annika."

"You don't have to say that."

"I do."

Marisol gives her cousin a hug."

"Manny, I'm sorry for calling you stupid."

Manolo didn't say anything and just smiles that his cousin is back in the band.

"I know."

HOTE: A New Beginning Part 3Where stories live. Discover now