Chapter 8

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Manolo is walking to class in the morning. He gets a surprise from his classmates.


"Happy birthday Manny."

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Sacha told us. Can't believe you're 16."

"Can't believe it either. Thanks guys."

"We got you something. We asked Mr. H to help us make it."

The band and Freddie gives Manolo an album with pictures of them when they were going after their dreams of being pop stars."

"Mr. H, you got them to make this for me."

"Yeah. Anything for you."

"Thanks. Wait. Where's Marisol? It's her birthday too you know, because we share the same birthday."

"I heard that she skipped school to work on her solo album."


"Don't worry about it. After school, we'll celebrate your birthday by going bowling."

"Alright guys. Thanks."

HOTE: A New Beginning Part 3Where stories live. Discover now