Chapter 12

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Marisol went to go talk to Annika.

"Hi. I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Did Dexter Apple really harass you?"

"Oh course he did. Why would you ask that?"

"My bandmates say they met him, and he told them something else."

"What do they know?"

"They told me that you fake stories of other artists your dad signed and you got them fired."

"That can't be true."

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm not laughing."

"Yes you are. Are you telling me the truth or not?"

"Let's go to the studio."

"Annika, why would you lie. You were my idol."

"Dexter was a better performer than me, and when he was getting more attention, I fooled around with him, but he walked away scared. I told my father and he believed me and not Dexter."

"How could you do that?"

"I spent my entire teen years trying to get back of all the male artists who were enjoying their music and I had to work alot. I created a fake woke persona and it wasn't enough for them."

"And everything you did to my cousin?"

"The stupid kid with the jock boyfriend? He was an easy target."

"Manny's not stupid."

"You say that because he's your cousin."

Marisol decides she had enough and leaves.

"And I thought for you were fighting for justice."

"No. That's what everyone thought. They'll believe anything we tell them, and nothing will be better for anyone."

Marisol leaves and goes to see her bandmates.

HOTE: A New Beginning Part 3Where stories live. Discover now