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Michael was nowhere to be found. He was not in the bathroom and he was not on the corridor. He couldn't have run away so I supposed only one thing.

"I think he is downstairs." Violets spoke. "Maybe we should go downstairs too, I don't think it's a good idea for any of us to be alone right now."

Together, we left, finding Michael leaning against the kitchen counter. His back turned to us and his hands on the counter. We called him, however, he didn't move, leaving us worried. Upon reaching him, he moved, leaving us between him and front door.

"Michael, are you okay?"

"I've never been better, Hemmings." He laughed. "It's just that, the fun part is done. But, let's me optimist, this part it's going to be awesome."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Michael?" David asked seriously confused.

"I'm talking about this." Michael took a gun out of his pocket and pointed to us. "Fun, no?"

"Why do you have a gun? Michael, stop playing."

"Well, you either dying or you're playing." He laughed again. "God," he dragged the word. "You are so stupid." Michael looks at us with crazy eyes. "It was me, all of it. I had a little help, actually. Come here, good looking."

Violet took a step forward, walking over to Michael, facing us. Nothing was making sense. Michael had been one of my best friends for over a year and I loved Violet. That couldn't be happening. Was it a prank?

David, as if reading my thoughts, repeated my question, receiving a laugh and an affirmative answer. "So, everyone is alive?"

"Oh no, honey, they are all dead." Michael faked a sad smile. "Right, V?"

"Positive." She smiled lightly to him.

"What the actual fuck, Michael?! Are you insane?!" David shouted.

"Watch your mouth, baby doll. I'm still the one with the gun." Michael pointed the gun at the man beside me.

"You two did this?" I looked at Michael and Violet, still not believing the whole situation. They killed my best friends and my sister. Out of nowhere?

"Yes, we did. Thank you." Michael smiled. "Welcome to the freak show. Do you want us to explain how?"

"I want to know everything. And why. You son of a bitch," David said, trying not to explode.

"I found this house and I thought it was the perfect spot, so me and Violet planned to put us here. It was easy, we know how adventurous David is. Marcia was super easy to kill, I just made that bullet machine and she fell like a duck. But it was not fun, you know? I just watched. Like I was part of the audience. I'm not. I'm the main event, guys. You are the main event." He laughed.

"Bite the bullet, Michael. How the fuck did you kill Calum?" David asked. "We were all there. And what you did to Serena, you bastard." He tried to step forward and Michael stopped by pointing the gun at him again.

"One at a time, love. Calum was a risk, but it was fine, I cannot say fun, but enjoyable, I guess. Calum was behind me, I had to be quick, we were all together. You were all too distracted with the window, so I took my gun, with a silencer, because I'm obviously smart, and, as you do, gave him a quick, fresh shot. And Calum died, easily, without much pain. I liked him so I was nice."

"Incredibly nice," David muttered, making Michael laugh. Michael was having the time of his life. Violet was just standing there, looking at the floor. You could see in his eyes the hate, the love, the madness, the desire. It was terrifying. Everything that I feared before was nothing compared of what was in front of me. When someone says they're not afraid of death, it's because they've never seen it. Not like this. Not in his eyes. Not on his hands. Not in him.

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