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Michael looked at me, trying to hide his fear. I breathed deeply. We needed do something, it was the only way. Violet, next to Luke, kept looking at me, as always. I gave her a little smile, receiving nothing back. Again, as always. After leaving a kiss on Serena's lips, me and Michael left the room. It was hard keeping a strong face when the only thing I wanted to do was give up. The thought of never seeing my best friends again terrified me. We had already lost Marcia, even though we were not real friends, and Calum. I just couldn't lose anyone else.  

I wished I never had that stupid idea.

If you survive, you're going to kill yourself, David, said the devil on my shoulder.

Seeing Calum's body only made me walk faster, whipping my tears. At the end of the corridor, we got downstairs, reaching the basement door.

"Are you sure about this?" terrified, I asked. "I'm not, Michael. Marcia was shot, and you say no one is there. It makes no sense."

"I think it's s trap. Maybe a sensor I don't know. That's why we have this." The boy with red hair showed me the bag with his pills. "Before you ask-" He didn't finish his sentence. Michael threw the bag to the basement. Nothing happened.

"What a waste of pills." Michael smirked and I gave him a mad look. "Sorry."

"What was that for?!" My fist met his shoulder in a punch.

"At least we know it's no sensor."

"Yes, because a human and a little bag are the same!"

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Yes, yes, I do." I tried to calm down. "Maybe this fucking sensor you talk about is on the floor, I mean, the stairs. Light the room, please."

Michael did what I said without asking. I lighted the steps. As soon as I reached the last one, I was able to see a string. I looked at Michael, telling him to be careful. We were now in the middle of the basement, our backs together.

"Are you sure no one is here?" my voice left in a whisper.

"Yes, man. Look around, we're alone. Should we see if the string does something, because if it doesn't, then we're fucked."

"No! Are you insane?!"

"I don't wanna die, David!"

"Oh, yeah, clearly." I rolled my eyes. Michael got on his knees, putting his hand on the string. "Michael, stop." I said behind me. "Are you stupid or something?!"

"Or something," he muttered.

"Michael, I'm dead serious. Stop this nonsense, asshole."

Michael pulled the string, ignoring everything I said, and I jumped, seeing a bullet hit the wall next to us. Almost didn't make a sound, which meant it had a silencer. My best friend got up and started to walk on a straight line, reaching some boxes at the other edge of the basement. "Look," he said. I reached him, seeing, in the middle of the boxes, a mechanism with a gun. It had a string attached. Michael followed the string, just like me, which it landed on the stairs again.

"Clever bastards." I groaned.

"At least we're safe here." Michael sighs.


I woke up on the basement floor. My head hurt and I felt the taste of blood on my lips. I touched my face and my fingertips become bloody. I was bleeding. How was I bleeding? Why was I unconscious?

"Are you okay?" I heard a female's voice and I jumped terrified. Happily, or not, I saw Violet and Luke pointing a flashlight to me.

"Where's Michael?" I looked around, although, everything was still dark.

"I'm here" he said and sat by my side. "We got hit, I woke up first and, since I couldn't wake you up, I got upstairs and called them."

"Serena and Ashton are alone? Wait, you were." I looked at Luke. "You were on the second floor, with Skyler." Michael sighed, preparing to say something. "Guys, what happened? Where are they? Where's Serena?" even though I was terrified of the answer, I questioned.

"Skyler and Ashton are-" Violet looked at me. "They're dead, David." Violet said slowly and started crying.

I couldn't believe. Skyler and Ashton were not with us anymore. We shouldn't have split. We had already lost four of us. We were going to die there. All of us. How was I supposed to react to my best friends' death? Should I cry? Yell? Scream from the top of my lungs? Should I die too? If they're not alive, why should I be? Why was I alive? Did my life matter more than them? Was fate real? Or was life just a big joke?

"Me and Violet got hit too. Serena was not there when we woke up. "Luke told, scarring me even more. I wanted to scream. "We don't know where she is."

"That means there's a slight chance that she is alive."

"A very slight chance, yes." Michael almost didn't agree, just like Luke, rubbing my shoulder.

Violet touched my hand, making me flinch. "You need to clean the blood," she said, looking at my forehead. "It's running into your eye. Let me help you." She tried to clean it.

"I don't need your fucking help," I growled, cleaning myself the blood with the back of my hand. I flinched again, but from the pain.

"David-" She tried to talk.

"I said no," I said, angry, looking at her.

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