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"Are you nuts?!" everyone started shouting at my twin brother, including me.

"What? Do you wanna die in here?" Luke looked at everyone. "I know they have guns, and-"

"They're going to kill us! I am not leaving this room."

The love of my life died because of that stupid house. I don't know who was doing that or what was happening, but it was sick. We were never mean to anyone, we just wanted to live our happy chill lives. That bastard wasn't doing it for hate or love, was doing it because it had a sick and mad mind.

"So, I'm going alone," Luke said.

"You're out of your mind, aren't you?" Violet punched his arm.

I was freaking out. I just wanted to leave that place. And I couldn't believe I was leaving without Calum. I was never going to see him again, I was never going to talk to him again, or touch him again or even kiss him one more time. I couldn't live a life without Calum, I just couldn't.

"We should split," Michael said. "Maybe in three groups, you know?"

"Yes, and go in the close rooms where they are," Ashton sarcastically said.

"No, listen, it's not a bad idea," Violet said. "Some of us could try to break or open the door, others could search for weapons or bullets or whatever. Just not one person alone. Are we runners or fighters?"

"I'm definitely a runner," Michael admitted. "But we have to do this. We're together on this, right?"

I didn't agree with any of that. It was completely stupid. We were safe in that room. Yes, of course, we couldn't stay there forever, but we could wait. It was the middle of the night, we had no visibility. The sun would rise eventually, we might have a chance in the morning.

"Please, Skyler," my twin brother insisted. "You can come with me and Violet."

"Violet's not going with you," Michael quickly said, turning to Violet. "He makes you weak, and vice-versa. Skyler is going with Luke, and I'm going with David. Serena, Violet and Ashton can try to go open the door."

"And us?" I questioned, not agreeing with a single word.

"You and Luke stay in this floor, perhaps you may find a key or bullets." Michael thought a little before talking. "David and I are going to the basement."

"You must be insane," Serena said as laughing sarcastically. "Marcia was killed in the basement. I'm starting to think you're suicidal, Michael."

"Look, guys, when I was down there, nobody was with me, I swear." Michael moved around the room. "It was almost empty, only two or three tiny boxes and a shelf with weird ornaments or something."

"But Marcia was shot."

"I know. But there was not a single person there. Whatever happened, me and David are going to be clever than them, trust us."

"You guys don't believe in ghost, right?" Violet looked at all of us. "I mean, forget it, it's stupid. Ghosts are not real." She looked at me. "They're not, right?"

"Right." I gave her a small smile. "Although, I think I would prefer if they were ghosts instead of people."

They were not sure. Someone was decisively there with us. They were all asking to be killed. Just the fact that they thought about the fact of splitting us up was ridiculous. For someone who watched a lot of horror movies and true crimes shows, Michael was only making it worse. He was not okay. Those fucking drugs were killing him. I talked to him so many times. I didn't enjoyed seeing him like that. I wanted my Michael back. That house was made for our certain death and they preferred to walk around playing catch up on the floors.

Somehow, everyone ended up agreeing, except me. Insane, they were all insane. I didn't know how they thought that was a good idea. I mean, we were literally leaving the only safe place. If it was safe anyways.

David and Michael left first and next Ashton, Serena and Violet. Michael had just his pocket-knife, while Serena had a knife. Luke and I had a knife too and an empty gun. That had everyone to go wrong.

"It's going to be okay, Sky." My brother kissed my forehead. "I promise."

Luke grabbed my hand and we left the room alone, entering the one in front of us, with an open door. It was just like the other, the only difference was that it had one more door inside. Probably a bathroom, I thought. My twin opened the door softy, hiding himself, but, happily, it was empty. We started looking for something that might help us getting out of there. Luke gave me smile, grabbing a little thing.

"Is that a-"

"Bullet," he quickly answered. "I don't who keeps one bullet only on the bedside table, but it's a genius."

"Maybe they planted it," I supposed. "Perhaps they want us to challenge them."

"I don't know what them want, but I'm going to fucking kill them." He looks at the gun. "If I find out how this works."

While Luke tried to understand the gun, I felt a naked hand covering my mouth, a familiar touch on my bare skin, and a cold and sharp object touching my neck. I tried to call Luke or make a sound, but, on the same second, I felt my throat being cut. And a door shut hardly as I fell.

"What are you- Skyler!" I felt Luke kneeling beside me. "Please, Skyler." He tried to stop the bleeding by forcing something against my throat, but it was unnecessary and impossible. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. "Please, Skyler, stay with me, this is my fault, we should have stayed there, safe. Skyler, don't leave me. Skyler!" I moved my hand a little, touching him, thinking it was okay.

Because it was indeed okay.

At least, there was a chance of me finding Calum. 

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